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Faunal features of submarine canyons on the eastern Bering Sea slope


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Some of the largest submarine canyons in the world incise the eastern Bering Sea shelf break. Here, we examine whether 5 large canyons (Bering, Pribilof, Zhemchug, Pervenets and Navarin) are faunally distinct features within the eastern Bering Sea. We compiled data from the eastern Bering Sea that included trawl survey data on fish and invertebrate distributions and observations of ocean conditions and benthic habitat. These data were analyzed using multivariate techniques to determine if the canyons are distinguishable from the adjacent continental slope. We found that the 5 canyons are not faunally distinct features of the eastern Bering Sea slope but that the major characteristics structuring fish and invertebrate communities were depth, latitude and sediment rather than submarine canyons. One notable feature of these canyons is that about one quarter of the coral habitat predicted for the eastern Bering Sea slope occurs in Pribilof Canyon, an area that comprises only similar to 10% of the total slope area. The predicted coral habitat also extends westward to the adjacent slope, indicating that this coral habitat concentration is not unique to Pribilof Canyon but rather that it is typical for a larger area (Pribilof Canyon and westward).
机译:世界上一些最大的海底峡谷切开了白令海东部陆架断裂带。在这里,我们检查了白令海东部地区5个大峡谷(白令,普里比洛夫,热西姆,Pervenets和Navarin)是否在动物群上具有明显的不同。我们汇编了白令海东部的数据,其中包括有关鱼类和无脊椎动物分布的拖网调查数据以及对海洋状况和底栖生境的观察。使用多变量技术分析了这些数据,以确定峡谷是否与相邻的大陆坡区分开。我们发现这5个峡谷并不是白令海东部斜坡的动物区分开来,但构成鱼类和无脊椎动物群落的主要特征是深度,纬度和沉积物,而不是海底峡谷。这些峡谷的一个显着特征是,白令海东部斜坡所预测的珊瑚栖息地约有四分之一位于普里比洛夫峡谷,该地区仅占总斜坡面积的10%。预测的珊瑚栖息地也向西延伸到相邻的斜坡,这表明该珊瑚栖息地浓度并非Pribilof Canyon独有,而是较大区域(Pribilof Canyon和向西)的典型特征。



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