首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Persistent annual migration patterns of a specialist seabird

Persistent annual migration patterns of a specialist seabird


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Specialization can make animals vulnerable to rapid environmental changes. For long-lived seabirds, foraging specialization may make individuals especially sensitive, as climatic changes are currently occurring over the course of one lifetime. The Bering Sea is a dynamic subarctic and arctic ecosystem where windblown sea ice mediates annual productivity and subsequent pathways to upper trophic levels. Red-legged kittiwakes Rissa brevirostris are endemic surface foraging seabirds specializing on myctophid fishes during reproduction. Their degree of specialization outside the breeding season is less understood. We examined their non-breeding ecology (migration, distribution, isotopic niche) during 4 winters with varying sea ice extent. Although we found annual variation in core distributions, diets (as reflected in feather stable isotope signatures), and outbound migratory timing, the winter range of red-legged kittiwakes was restricted to the western regions of the Bering Sea and North Pacific. Contrary to expectations, sea ice did not limit distributions in the Bering Sea in 3 yr: e.g. sea ice associations ( 100 km) were infrequent (8.7% mo(-1)). Yet, their wintering range often overlapped with areas of seasonal ice cover, suggesting range-wide use of sea ice ecosystems. Stress levels measured by corticosterone in feathers were generally low. However, birds that concentrated in the Bering Sea in February had higher stress levels and fed at a lower trophic level than those in the western Aleutians and western subarctic. As conditions change, this persistence in wintering locations, while incurring differential stress levels, may contribute to rapid population fluctuations as has been observed in the recent past.
机译:专业化会使动物容易受到快速环境变化的影响。对于长寿海鸟而言,觅食专长可能会使个体变得特别敏感,因为目前在整个一生的过程中都在发生气候变化。白令海是一个充满活力的北极和北极生态系统,风吹过的海冰介导了年生产力以及随后达到较高营养级别的途径。红腿的Kittiwakes Rissa brevirostris是一种地方性表面觅食的海鸟,在繁殖过程中专门捕食线粒体鱼类。他们对繁殖季节以外的专业化程度了解甚少。我们研究了在四个不同海冰程度的冬季中它们的非繁殖生态(迁移,分布,同位素生态位)。尽管我们发现核心分布,饮食(反映在羽毛稳定的同位素特征中)和出境迁徙时间方面存在年度变化,但红脚kit的冬季范围仅限于白令海和北太平洋的西部地区。与预期相反,海冰并没有限制3年白令海的分布:海冰协会(<100 km)很少(8.7%mo(-1))。但是,它们的越冬范围经常与季节性冰盖区域重叠,这表明海冰生态系统在整个范围内得到利用。用皮质类固醇测量羽毛中的压力水平通常较低。但是,与西阿留申群岛和西亚北极地区相比,二月份聚集在白令海的鸟类承受的压力更高,营养水平也更低。随着条件的变化,在越冬地点的这种持续存在,虽然会产生不同的压力水平,但可能会导致人口迅速波动,正如最近所观察到的那样。



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