首页> 外文期刊>Marine biology >Sessile and non-sessile morphs of Geodia cydonium (Jameson) (Porifera, Demospongiae) in two semi-enclosed Mediterranean bays

Sessile and non-sessile morphs of Geodia cydonium (Jameson) (Porifera, Demospongiae) in two semi-enclosed Mediterranean bays

机译:在两个半封闭的地中海海湾中,Geodia cydonium(Jameson)(Porifera,Demospongiae)的无柄和无柄形态

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Morphological plasticity and ecological aspects of the demosponge Geodia cydonium (Jameson) were studied from seasonal samples collected over 1 year in two semi-enclosed Mediterranean bays of the Southern Italian coast (Marsala lagoon and Porto Cesareo basin). Sponge specimens present two morphs: sessile and non-sessile, both of which showed constant size distribution and density over the studied year. Sessile specimens were larger in size than non-sessile ones. This feature is particularly evident at Porto Cesareo, where these sponges have a more compact skeletal network than at Marsala (evident both in the cortical spicule size and sponge silica content). Sessile specimens adhere to hard rocky substrates (Porto Cesareo) or phanerogam rhizomes (Marsala); non-sessile ones occur on soft bottom areas. Several morphological and structural features of the non-sessile forms differ in the two environments, but the difference in body shape seems to play the most relevant role in enhancing the colonization of incoherent substrates. Indeed, at Marsala, where the large amount of silt and clay determines the occurrence of a markedly reduced anoxic layer just below the surface of the sediment, non-sessile specimens of G. cydonium are fairly spherical and thus able to roll, dragged by slow circular currents. In addition, the usual association with the red alga Rytyphloeea tinctoria, which almost constantly forms a thick and continuous layer around the sponge, allows them to avoid contact with the substrate. The non-sessile specimens from Porto Cesareo inhabit sandy soft bottoms and are flattened. In such an environment, affected by moderate wave turbulence, the flattened shape widens the contact surface between the body and the substrate, thereby reducing the risk of stranding. The evident signs of abrasion, provided by scanning electron microscopy investigations, on both cortical spicules and outermost sponge surface suggest that sponges rub on the bottom. Sediment, epibiontic organisms, and the phanerogam leaves protect this sciaphilous sponge from high solar radiation, allowing the specimens to live in these shallow environments.
机译:从意大利南部沿海两个半封闭的地中海海湾(马尔萨拉泻湖和切萨雷奥港盆地)两个半封闭的地中海海湾地区,收集了一年多来的季节性样本,研究了demo蒲Geodia cydonium(Jameson)的形态可塑性和生态学特征。海绵标本呈现两种形态:无柄和无柄,这两种形态在研究年份中均显示出恒定的大小分布和密度。无柄标本的大小比无柄标本大。此特征在切萨雷奥港(Porto Cesareo)尤其明显,那里的海绵比马沙拉(Marsala)具有更致密的骨架网络(无论皮质皮脂大小和海绵二氧化硅含量均明显)。无柄标本附着在坚硬的岩石基质上(切萨雷奥港)或根茎根茎(马尔萨拉);非固定式发生在软底部。在两种环境中,非固定形式的几种形态和结构特征均不同,但是体型差异似乎在增强不连贯底物的定殖中起着最重要的作用。确实,在马尔萨拉,大量的淤泥和粘土决定了沉积物表面下方明显减少的缺氧层的发生,,草的非固执标本相当球形,因此能够滚动,缓慢拖动循环电流。此外,通常与红藻Rytyphloeea tinctoria的结合几乎总是在海绵周围形成一个厚而连续的层,从而使它们避免与底材接触。切萨雷奥港(Porto Cesareo)的非固着标本栖息在沙质软底部,并被弄平。在这样的环境中,受中等程度的湍流影响,平坦的形状加宽了主体和基板之间的接触表面,从而降低了搁浅的风险。扫描电子显微镜研究显示,在皮质针头和最外层海绵表面均出现明显的磨损迹象,表明海绵在底部摩擦。沉积物,表生生物和phanerogam叶片可以保护这种坐骨神经海绵不受高太阳辐射的影响,从而使标本能够生活在这些浅层环境中。



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