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The role of different types of detached macrophytes in the food and habitat choice of a surf-zone inhabiting amphipod


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Allorchestes compressa is the dominant macroinvertebrate species in wrack accumulations on surf zones of south-western Australia. These amphipods were provided with a choice of macrophyte material representing brown and red algae and seagrass in a series of preference experiments in the laboratory and field. Feeding experiments showed that A. compressa exhibited a strong preference for particular types of macrophytes (P < 0.01). Amphipods primarily consumed brown algae, with 69-98% of the biomass of Ecklonia radiata and 64% of the biomass of Sargassum sp. lost over the experiments. This study has shown that the amphipod A. compressa exhibits a clear preference for brown algae over red algae and seagrass as food. In terms of habitat preference, tank experiments using a series of pair-wise comparisons showed that, in the absence of fish predators, A. compressa selected seagrass as its preferred habitat over the other types of wrack (P < 0.001). When satiated or starved, between 68 and 83 and 79 and 98% of amphipods were found in Amphibolis and Posidonia, respectively. In contrast, field-cage experiments revealed that A. compressa preferred either mixed wrack, brown algae or red algae over seagrass as a habitat (P < 0.01). The contrasts between results from the laboratory and field suggest that other factors such as the presence of predators, water flow and light could influence habitat choice in the surf zone. This study shows that allochthonous material transported to surf zones from other habitats therefore play different roles in driving secondary production in this shoreline habitat.
机译:在澳大利亚西南部冲浪带的残骸堆积中,腹栖短吻藻是主要的无脊椎动物。通过在实验室和现场进行的一系列偏好实验,为这些两栖动物提供了代表褐,红藻和海草的多种大型植物材料。饲养实验表明,压缩曲霉对特定类型的大型植物表现出强烈的偏好性(P <0.01)。两栖类动物主要消耗褐藻,其中Ecklonia radiata的生物量为69-98%,Sargassum sp。的生物量为64%。在实验中迷失了方向。这项研究表明,两栖纲拟南芥显示出对褐藻的明显偏好,而不是作为食物的红藻和海草。就栖息地的偏爱而言,使用一系列成对比较的水箱实验表明,在没有鱼类捕食者的情况下,比其他类型的海藻,A。compressa选择海草作为其首选的栖息地(P <0.001)。饱足或饥饿时,两栖动物和波西多尼亚分别发现68%至83%和79%至98%的两栖动物。相反,田间笼养试验表明,比起海草,A。compressa更喜欢混合海藻,褐藻或红藻作为栖息地(P <0.01)。实验室和现场结果之间的对比表明,其他因素(例如掠食者的存在,水流和光照)可能会影响冲浪区的栖息地选择。这项研究表明,从其他生境转移到冲浪区的异源物质在驱动该海岸线生境的二次生产中起着不同的作用。



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