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Chilling Forecasts For Ice Meltdown Date


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The un Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) thinks that seasonal disappearance of the Arctic Ocean's sea ice will occur between 2050-2100. This is based on the best figures for the rate of the shrinking surface area and the IPCC's long-range global climate forecasts. As if this weren't scary enough, a super-computer model developed by the US Navy's Department of Oceanography puts the meltdown date at within five years. Their calculations are based on the ice thickness estimates, as compared with surface area. As Pen Hadow, director and head of surveying of the Catlin Arctic Survey, says, the accuracy of the models are merely a function of the quality of the data relied on. The data returned by the Catlin Arctic Survey will "allow for the re-evaluation of satellite and submarine digitised observations".
机译:联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)认为,北冰洋海冰的季节性消失将在2050-2100年之间发生。这是基于最佳的表面积缩减率数据以及IPCC的长期全球气候预测得出的。似乎还不够可怕,由美国海军海洋学部开发的超级计算机模型将崩溃日期定在了五年之内。他们的计算是基于冰厚的估计值,再加上表面积。正如Catlin北极勘测总监和勘测负责人Pen Hadow所说,模型的准确性仅仅是所依赖数据质量的函数。卡特林北极调查局返回的数据将“允许重新评估卫星和海底数字化观测结果”。



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