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Virtual private networks: secure E-commuting


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Setting up a VPN can be complicated; but with the proper hardware & software, the average Macintosh user can do it. With all the different protocols, setup needs to be thought out before hand. If you choose a hardware router/VPN, research the manufacturers products first to see which protocols they work with. I've had no problem with my Linksys router, and I've setup other common brands that have worked as well (D-Link, Netgear, etc.) I would suggest viewing equinux's website at http://www.equinux.com/us/products/vpntracker/interoperability.html for a list of products that work with VPN Tracker. If you're going to use Internet Connect, it is very compatible with a large range of products; but doesn't offer near as much customization as VPN Tracker. I strongly suggest downloading and trying out equinux's VPN Tracker to keep those private networks secure!
机译:建立VPN可能很复杂;但是使用适当的硬件和软件,普通的Macintosh用户就可以做到。对于所有不同的协议,需要事先考虑设置。如果选择硬件路由器/ VPN,请首先研究制造商的产品,以了解它们使用的协议。我的Linksys路由器没有问题,并且我已经设置了其他运作良好的常见品牌(D-Link,Netgear等)。我建议您查看Equinux的网站,网址为http://www.equinux.com。 /us/products/vpntracker/interoperability.html可获得与VPN Tracker配合使用的产品列表。如果您要使用Internet Connect,它与多种产品非常兼容。但提供的定制功能不及VPN Tracker。我强烈建议下载并尝试Equinux的VPN跟踪器,以确保那些专用网络的安全!



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