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Profile information matrix for nonlinear transformation models


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For semiparametric models, interval estimation and hypothesis testing based on the information matrix for the full model is a challenge because of potentially unlimited dimension. Use of the profile information matrix for a small set of parameters of interest is an appealing alternative. Existing approaches for the estimation of the profile information matrix are either subject to the curse of dimensionality, or are ad-hoc and approximate and can be unstable and numerically inefficient. We propose a numerically stable and efficient algorithm that delivers an exact observed profile information matrix for regression coefficients for the class of Nonlinear Transformation Models [A. Tsodikov (2003) J R Statist Soc Ser B 65:759-774]. The algorithm deals with the curse of dimensionality and requires neither large matrix inverses nor explicit expressions for the profile surface.
机译:对于半参数模型,基于完整模型信息矩阵的区间估计和假设检验是一个挑战,因为它可能存在无限的维度。将配置文件信息矩阵用于一小组感兴趣的参数是一种有吸引力的选择。现有的用于估计轮廓信息矩阵的方法或者受制于维数的诅咒,或者是临时的和近似的,并且可能是不稳定的并且在数值上是无效的。我们提出了一种数值稳定,高效的算法,该算法可为非线性转换模型的类别[A. Tsodikov(2003)J Statist Soc Ser B 65:759-774]。该算法处理维数的诅咒,并且不需要大型矩阵逆,也不需要轮廓曲面的显式表达式。



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