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Beyond the Facts: Best Sci-Tech Books of 2003


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Rench mathematician Henri Poincare wrote, "Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house." The facts of science are sometimes esoteric, understood by only a few specialists, but its larger discoveries and their impact belong to everyone. One of the most important ways for the field to share its cultural significance is through books. Several of the following titles, selected as the best in science and technology for 2003, reflect readers' continuing fascination with the history of science and its lessons. Simon Winchester's Krakatoa reminds us of the earth's awesome power, while Amir Ac-zel's Pendulum, an account of ah ingeniously simple experiment that proved the rotation of Earth, illustrates the scientific method.
机译:朗格数学家亨利·庞加莱(Henri Poincare)写道:“科学是建立在事实之上的,就像一所房子是用石头砌成的。但是,事实的集合只不过是一堆石头而已,不是一门科学。”科学的事实有时是深奥的,只有少数专家可以理解,但是科学的更大发现及其影响却属于每个人。该领域分享其文化意义的最重要方法之一是通过书籍。以下几本书被选为2003年最佳科学和技术,这反映了读者对科学史及其课程的持续关注。西蒙·温彻斯特(Simon Winchester)的《卡卡托亚》(Krakatoa)使我们想起了地球的强大力量,而埃米尔·阿茨·埃泽尔(Amir Ac-zel)的摆锤(一种证明了地球自转的巧妙的简单实验)则说明了科学方法。



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