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After Katrina, Dismay and Recovery


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The New Orleans Public Library (NOPL) is coming back from Hurricane Katrina-thanks to the State Library of Louisiana, NOPL in mid-September set up a temporary web site (nutrias.org)-but, like many libraries in the Gulf region, it both sustained significant damage and retained hope for renewal. "The NOPL system has taken a blow (about half of our branches are probably underwater), but the Main Library [having] come through relatively unscathed is good fortune beyond our wildest dreams," wrote library archivists Wayne Everard and Irene Wainright, noting the valuable material preserved. Library director Bill Johnson, speaking to LJ from Orlando, FL, on September 21, said that five of 12 branches had been flooded so badly 'that even the sheetrock would have to be replaced, along with equipment and materials damaged by water and mold. Another four branches experienced moderate damage, while three were mostly unharmed. While Johnson had talked to some city officials, there was no firm plan yet to restore service. He said that "we might open the main on a limited basis." A web site set up for library staffers allowed Johnson, library board chair TaniaTetlow, and others to contact colleagues. Heads of departments began communicating virtually-the library's public relations person was in the Chicago area-and seven staffers within driving distance of New Orleans began making forays into the city. Johnson himself planned to return to the city at the end of September.
机译:由于卡特里娜飓风的影响,新奥尔良公共图书馆(NOPL)即将回归路易斯安那州立图书馆,NOPL于9月中旬建立了一个临时网站(nutrias.org),但与海湾地区的许多图书馆一样,它既遭受了重大破坏,又保留了更新的希望。图书馆档案管理员韦恩·埃弗拉德(Wayne Everard)和艾琳·温赖特(Irene Wainright)写道:“ NOPL系统受到了打击(大约一半的分支机构可能在水下),但是相对而言,主图书馆却毫发无损。保存了有价值的材料。 9月21日,图书馆馆长比尔·约翰逊(Bill Johnson)在佛罗里达州奥兰多市的LJ讲话时说,12个分支中的5个分支被洪水淹没得很厉害,以至于连薄板岩都必须被更换,以及被水和霉菌损坏的设备和材料。另外四个分支遭受了中等程度的损坏,而三个分支则大部分未受到损坏。约翰逊与一些城市官员进行了交谈,但还没有恢复服务的坚定计划。他说:“我们可能会在有限的基础上打开总管。”为图书馆工作人员建立的网站允许Johnson,图书馆董事会主席TaniaTetlow和其他人联系同事。部门负责人开始进行虚拟交流-图书馆的公共关系人员在芝加哥地区-新奥尔良驾车不远处的七名工作人员开始涉足该市。约翰逊本人计划于9月底返回这座城市。



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