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Chao Visits Library Secretary of Labor Commends Library's Chinese Section


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Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao has a keen sense of history―her personal history, as the first Asian American woman to hold a cabinet position, as well as the history of an ancient culture that is preserved at the Library of Congress in its Chinese collection. Chao spoke at the Library on Oct. 31 in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Chinese Section. "What a magnificent collection," said Chao, who had the opportunity to view some of the division's rare items in the Asian Reading Room prior to her speech. "The Chinese collection in the Library of Congress is indeed our nation's crown jewel. It is a treasure within a treasure, because it is housed in America's greatest cultural institution and the largest library in the world," she said.
机译:劳工部长赵丽颖(Elaine Chao)具有敏锐的历史意识,她的个人历史是第一位担任内阁职位的亚裔女性,以及在美国国会图书馆以其中国藏书保存的古老文化的历史。为了纪念中国科成立75周年,曹超在10月31日在图书馆讲话。 Chao说:“真是一个很棒的收藏品。”她有机会在亚洲阅览室里观看了该部门的一些稀有物品。她说:“美国国会图书馆的中国藏品确实是我们国家的王冠上的明珠。它是宝藏中的瑰宝,因为它藏在美国最大的文化机构和世界最大的图书馆中。”



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