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Twenty-five Years Of Landscape Journal:an Analysis Of Authorship And Article Content


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This study examines publication patterns in Landscape Journal, a peer-reviewed academic journal founded in 1981 by the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. The study provides the first longitudinal overview of Landscape Journal, contributing to a broader discussion of Landscape Journal's role in advancing the scholarship of landscape architecture. A total of 312 articles published during the first 25 years of the journal were analyzed for authorship and article content, using content analysis and other methods. In general, publishing patterns observed for the first 25 years of Landscape Journal are characterized by shifting emphases of subject matter and gender balance of authors, a range of alternative scholarly topics as well as research methods, relatively strong record of collaborative work, and appeal to a broad audience.
机译:这项研究研究了《景观期刊》(Landscape Journal)中的出版模式,该期刊是由景观建筑教育委员会于1981年建立的同行评审学术期刊。该研究提供了《景观期刊》的第一份纵向概述,有助于更广泛地讨论《景观期刊》在提升景观建筑学研究中的作用。使用内容分析和其他方法,分析了该期刊头25年中发表的312篇文章的作者身份和文章内容。一般而言,在《景观杂志》的前25年观察到的出版模式的特点是,主题的重点和作者的性别平衡转移,一系列替代性学术主题和研究方法,合作工作的相对良好记录以及对广泛的受众



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