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Historical change in coastal sage scrub in southern California, USA in relation to fire frequency and air pollution


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Invasions resulting in the transformation of one ecosystem to another are an increasingly widespread phenomenon. While it is clear that these conversions, particularly between grassland and shrubland systems, have severe consequences, it is often less clear which factors are associated with these conversions. We resampled plots from the 1930s (Weislander VTMs) to test whether two widely assumed factors, changes in fire frequency and nitrogen deposition, are associated with the conversion of coastal sage scrublands to exotic grasslands in southern California. Over the 76-year period, coastal sage scrub cover declined by 49%, being replaced predominantly by exotic grassland species. Grassland encroachment was positively correlated with increased fire frequency and, in areas with low fire frequencies, air pollution (percent fossil carbon as indicated by ?14C, likely correlated with nitrogen deposition). We conclude that increases in fire frequency and air pollution over the last several decades in southern California may have facilitated the conversion of coastal sage shrubland to exotic grassland systems.
机译:导致一种生态系统转变为另一种生态系统的入侵是一种越来越普遍的现象。虽然很明显这些转换,特别是在草地和灌木丛系统之间的转换会带来严重的后果,但往往不清楚哪些因素与这些转换有关。我们对1930年代(Weislander VTM)的地块进行了重新采样,以测试两个广为接受的因素(火灾频率的变化和氮的沉积)是否与南加州的鼠尾草灌木丛向异国草原的转化有关。在76年的时间里,沿海鼠尾草灌木丛的覆盖率下降了49%,主要由外来草原物种取代。草原的入侵与火频率的增加呈正相关,而在火频率较低的区域,空气污染(化石碳含量以14 C表示,可能与氮的沉积有关)。我们得出的结论是,在过去的几十年里,南加州的火灾频率和空气污染的增加可能已经促进了沿海鼠尾草灌木丛向异国草原系统的转化。



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