首页> 外文期刊>Landscape and ecological engineering >Plant biodiversity in a larch plantation from the view point of photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in northeast China

Plant biodiversity in a larch plantation from the view point of photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in northeast China


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Forest floor of larch species often provides growth habitat for many kinds of understory species because of relatively sparse structure in a larch canopy. A rich flora of forest understory species may play an essential role in maintaining fertility of a larch stand. An attempt was made to evaluate photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) of many understory and overstory species according to their Raunkiaer lifeform. By studying 72 perennial deciduous species in a larch plantation in northeast China, marked photosynthetic differences between phanerophytes (Ph) and other three lifeforms of chamae-phytes (Ch), hemicryptophytes (He), and cryptophytes (Cr) were found, with marginal differences found among Ch, He, and Cr. Ph species had much lower PNUE, and much lower values of rate of nitrogen allocation to chlorophyll (Chl./N) and nitrogen allocation to carboxylation processes (V_(cmax)/N) were concurrently observed in Ph compared with the other three lifeforms. Ph had much lower leaf nitrogen per unit of projection area (N_(area)) and specific leaf area (SLA, cm~2 g~(-1)). At lower SLA, for Ph species the change of PNUE with SLA was small, but these changes became very large at higher SLA for Ch, He, and Cr species. Our findings indicate that leaf morphological change is important for clarifying photosynthesis differences among species with different lifeform.
机译:由于落叶松林冠层结构相对稀疏,因此落叶松树种的林底经常为多种林下物种提供生长栖息地。森林下层物种丰富的植物群可能在维持落叶松林分的肥力中起重要作用。尝试根据朗肯亚人的生命形态来评估许多林下和林下物种的光合氮利用效率(PNUE)。通过研究中国东北落叶松人工林中的72个多年生落叶树种,发现旱生植物(Ch),半隐生植物(He)和隐生植物(Cr)的生植物(Ph)与其他三种生命形式之间存在明显的光合差异。在Ch,He和Cr中发现。 Ph物种的PNUE值要低得多,与其他三种生命形式相比,Ph值中同时观察到叶绿素的氮分配速率(Chl./N)和羧化过程的氮分配速率(V_(cmax)/ N)更低。在单位投影面积(N_(area))和比叶面积(SLA,cm〜2 g〜(-1))下,Ph的叶氮含量要低得多。在较低的SLA下,对于Ph物种,PNUE与SLA的变化很小,但是对于较高的Ch,He和Cr物种,这些变化变得非常大。我们的发现表明,叶片形态变化对于阐明具有不同生命形式的物种之间的光合作用差异很重要。



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