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Land & Sea-Based Electronics Forecast


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Forecast International estimates that Northrop Grumman will sell about 37 AES-1 pods to the U.S. Navy in the coming 10 years. The AES-1 is an airborne laser mine detection system that is mounted on a helicopter to detect and contain floating and anchored sea mines. The Navy's desire for state-of-the-art mine-countermeasures technology is driving these procurements.rnThe APAR radar is designed to act as the fire control component of an integrated anti-air warfare (AAW) system; it performs target detection, tracking, and missile guidance functions. In December 2006, the Royal Danish Navy and Thales Nederland signed a contract for the delivery of three Thales anti-air warfare (AAW) suites. Each AAW suite consists of the APAR multifunction and SMART-L volume search radars, plus one fire control cluster. The suites will be installed on the new patrol ships, each displacing about 6,000 tons.
机译:预测国际公司估计,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司将在未来10年内向美国海军出售约37枚AES-1吊舱。 AES-1是一种机载激光地雷探测系统,该系统安装在直升机上,可以探测并容纳漂浮和锚定的地雷。海军对先进防雷技术的渴望正在推动这些采购。rn APAR雷达旨在用作综合防空战(AAW)系统的火控组件;它执行目标检测,跟踪和导弹制导功能。 2006年12月,丹麦皇家海军与Thales Nederland签署了交付三套Thales反空战(AAW)套件的合同。每个AAW套件都包括APAR多功能和SMART-L体积搜索雷达,以及一个火控集群。这些套件将安装在新的巡逻舰上,每艘巡逻舰将排水约6000吨。



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