首页> 外文期刊>Lakes & Reservoirs >Water quality and transparency characteristics during the Planktothrix abundance period in shallow Lake Kasumigaura, Japan

Water quality and transparency characteristics during the Planktothrix abundance period in shallow Lake Kasumigaura, Japan


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Cyanobacterial blooms in lakes cause serious environmental problems on a globalrnscale. Planktothrix (a filamentous cyanobacterium) blooms occurred during winterrnand spring from 2007 to 2011 in Lake Kasumigaura, a eutrophic lake located in Japan.rnThis study analysed water quality during the period of Planktothrix abundance (2007–rn2010) at the centre of Lake Kasumigaura and compared it to that in the succeedingrnperiod, which did not have Planktothrix blooms (2012–2015). The average phytoplanktonrnbiovolume during the abundance period was larger than that in the succeedingrnperiod, which would contribute to the high chemical oxygen demandrn(CODMn; annual average of 9.7 mg/L) in the abundance period, compared to the succeedingrnperiod (7.6 mg/L). The total phosphorus concentration peaked in spring andrnsummer in the abundance period, but only in summer in the succeeding period,rnwhereas the seasonal variation in total nitrogen concentration between the two periodsrnwas relatively small. The annual average transparency (Secchi disc depth) increasedrnbefore the abundance period due to a decrease in fixed suspended solid,rnwhich is comprised mainly of inorganic matter. It is likely that the change in irradiancernconditions affected the occurrence of Planktothrix blooms.
机译:湖泊中的蓝藻水华在全球范围内引起严重的环境问题。在日本富营养化的霞富浦湖2007年至2011年的冬季和春季期间,浮游藻(丝状蓝藻)水华发生。该研究分析了浮游藻丰度时段(2007年至2010年)在霞浦湖中心的水质,并进行了比较。到随后的时期(没有Planktothrix绽放)(2012-2015年)。丰度期的平均浮游植物生物量大于其后的时期,这将导致丰度期的化学需氧量(CODMn;年平均为9.7 mg / L),高于其后的时期(7.6 mg / L)。 。在春季和夏季,总磷浓度在高峰期达到峰值,但随后的夏季仅在夏季,这两个时期之间的总氮浓度的季节变化相对较小。在丰度期之前,由于固定悬浮固体(主要由无机物组成)的减少,年平均透明度(Secchi圆盘深度)增加了。辐照条件的变化很可能影响了浮萍开花的发生。



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