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Taxonomic status of fish parasites in Kenyan inland water systems and their significance on the freshwater fisheries and aquaculture productivity within the region


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AbstractFish are a resource with great economic, nutritional and recreational benefits to humans on a global scale. In Kenya, fish represent an important source of food and income through trade and employment to many communities. In fact, fish are an important alternative source of animal protein, especially in famine‐tolerant arid and semi‐arid regions such as Turkana, Marsabit, Pokot and Baringo Counties, where annual drought periodically hampers traditional livestock keeping destitute. Kenya freshwater fishes have remained vulnerable to a variety of parasites and related diseases. Approximately 119 fish parasites have been reported in the country, with about 83 being identified to species level and 35 to genus level. Out of the reported parasites, 77% were detected in wild fish, 8% in farm fish and 15% in both wild and farmed fish. The parasites identified by various studies include protozoa (7), myxozoa (7), nematode (20), monogenean (33), digenean (16), cestoda (15), acanthocephalan (6) and crustacean (15). The highly commercialized fishes, such as Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus, harbour the highest number of parasites, which greatly hinder fisheries and aquaculture productivity through retarded growth, mechanical damages, reduced reproduction rates and increased mortality of the fish hosts. Thus, there is need for adequate information on the taxonomy and ecology of these parasites as a basis for developing appropriate management and policies to control them. This review article is meant to provide an overview of the distribution, occurrence of fish parasites and their impacts on inland water fisheries and aquaculture in Kenya, while also highlighting the available gaps warranting further studies, with the goal of developing appropriate and accurate control measures to improve the region's fisheries and aquaculture productivity and food security.
机译:摘要鱼是一种在全球范围内为人类带来巨大经济,营养和娱乐益处的资源。在肯尼亚,鱼是许多社区贸易和就业的重要食物和收入来源。实际上,鱼类是动物蛋白的重要替代来源,特别是在耐饥荒的干旱和半干旱地区,例如图尔卡纳,马萨比特,波科特和巴林戈县,那里每年的干旱会定期阻碍传统牲畜的生存。肯尼亚的淡水鱼仍然容易受到各种寄生虫和相关疾病的侵害。该国已报告了约119种鱼类寄生虫,其中约83种被鉴定为物种水平,35种为属水平。在报告的寄生虫中,在野生鱼中检出了77%,在农场鱼中检出了8%,在野生和养殖鱼中检出了15%。通过各种研究鉴定出的寄生虫包括原生动物(7),粘虫(7),线虫(20),单属(33),双属(16),甲壳动物(15),棘头动物(6)和甲壳类(15)。高度商业化的鱼类,例如尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)和斜纹螯虾(Clarias gariepinus),拥有最多的寄生虫,这通过阻碍生长,机械损伤,降低繁殖率和增加鱼寄主的死亡率,极大地阻碍了渔业和水产养殖的生产力。因此,需要有关这些寄生虫的分类学和生态学的足够信息,作为制定适当管理和控制它们的政策的基础。这篇综述文章旨在概述鱼类寄生虫的分布,发生情况及其对肯尼亚内陆水域渔业和水产养殖业的影响,同时强调需要进一步研究的现有差距,目的是制定适当和准确的控制措施,以期提高该地区的渔业和水产养殖生产率以及粮食安全。



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