
Taking Cover


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Despite the best efforts of trade and industry secretary Patricia Hewitt, it looks like George W Bush's introduction of the Sarbanes Oxley Act in July 2002 will have a rippling effect on businesses around the globe. However; it can hardly have come as a huge shock. The act raising directors' reponsibility for signing off accounts is only the latest in a long line of measures calling for better risk management in the boardroom. The measures go back a decade to the Cadbury Report of 1992 which introduced a code of practice for financial reporting and boardroom accountability in the wake of scandals at The Mirror Group pension fund, the BCCI banking group and Polly Peck. Ten years on, and a rash of similarly seismic US-based collapses - Enron, WorldCom - have precipitated further regulation. But while Cadbury's successor; The Turnbull Report, sketches the outline of what a risk management system should look like - embedded within operations, not separated from them; able to respond to internal and external change; adaptable to individual circumstances - it is not a framework for best practice risk management. So where can executive managers turn to for guidance in identifying and mitigating against risk? Their requirements are a dynamic process of analysis and control that allows for ongoing assessment and monitoring of results as operating conditions change.
机译:尽管贸易和工业部长帕特里夏·休伊特(Patricia Hewitt)尽了最大的努力,但乔治·W·布什(George W Bush)于2002年7月推出的《萨班斯奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes Oxley Act)似乎将对全球企业产生涟漪效应。然而;它几乎不可能引起巨大的冲击。提倡董事注销账户的行为只是一系列要求改善董事会风险管理措施中的最新举措。这些措施可以追溯到十年前的1992年《吉百利报告》(Cadbury Report),该报告引入了Mirror Group养老基金,BCCI银行集团和Polly Peck的丑闻后的财务报告和董事会责任制守则。十年过去了,一系列类似的基于地震的美国坍塌事故-WorldCom的Enron-促成了进一步的监管。但是当吉百利的继任者; 《 Turnbull报告》概述了风险管理系统的外观概述-嵌入到运营中,而不是与运营分开;能够应对内部和外部的变化;适应个人情况-它不是最佳实践风险管理的框架。那么,执行管理人员可以从哪里寻求指导以识别和缓解风险呢?他们的要求是动态的分析和控制过程,可以随着操作条件的变化对结果进行持续评估和监控。



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