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Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman


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As the opening credits to Visual Acoustics roll to a close, a voice, which we later realize is that of Julius Shulman, advocates for architecture's importance: "Every part of a person's life is based upon an architect's presence." Enveloping us, architecture provides spatial, formal, and textural coordinates for much of human existence. Yet only a few seconds later, the film's narrator, the actor Dustin Hoffman, complicates the equation. "Architects," we hear, "live and die by the images taken of their work, as these images alone are what most people see." Despite the fact that buildings surround us, the most famous among them can be elusive. That is especially true in Southern California, where Julius Shulman photographed for more than half a century.
机译:随着Visual Acoustics的开头学分逐渐接近尾声,我们后来意识到是朱利叶斯·舒尔曼(Julius Shulman)的声音,他倡导建筑的重要性:“一个人的生活的每一部分都取决于建筑师的存在。”包围我们,建筑为人类的大部分生存提供了空间,形式和纹理坐标。然而仅几秒钟后,电影的叙述者,演员达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)就使方程式复杂化了。我们听到的“建筑师因其作品所拍摄的影像而生死,因为大多数人只能看到这些影像。”尽管建筑物环绕着我们,但其中最著名的却难以捉摸。在南加州,尤利乌斯·舒尔曼(Julius Shulman)拍摄了半个多世纪的照片尤其如此。



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