首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zhejiang University. Science >Fast mode decision algorithm for spatial resolutions down-scaling transcoding to H.264

Fast mode decision algorithm for spatial resolutions down-scaling transcoding to H.264


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A fast mode decision algorithm is proposed in this paper to accelerate the process of transcoding videos into H.264 with arbitrary rate spatial resolution down-scaling. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps. First, an early-stop technique is introduced to determine the 16 x 16-mode blocks, which take up about 70% of all the macroblocks; then, a bottom-up merging process is performed to determine the mode of rest non-early-stopped blocks; and then, we adopt half-pixel motion estimation to further refine the acquired predictive motion vectors. In order to obtain the predictive motion vectors for early-stop and merging processes, we propose a motion vector composition scheme, which can reuse the information in the input pre-encoded videos to handle the spatial resolution down-scaling. Experimental results showed that our algorithm is about four times faster than the Cascaded-Decoder-Encoder method and has negligible PSNR drop and little bit rate increase.
机译:本文提出了一种快速模式决策算法,以加速视频转换为H.264的过程,并具有任意速率的空间分辨率缩减。所提出的算法包括三个步骤。首先,引入了一种提前停止技术来确定16 x 16模式块,这些块约占所有宏块的70%。然后,执行自下而上的合并过程,以确定其余非早停块的模式;然后,我们采用半像素运动估计来进一步细化所获取的预测运动向量。为了获得用于提前停止和合并过程的预测运动矢量,我们提出了一种运动矢量合成方案,该方案可以重用输入的预编码视频中的信息来处理空间分辨率的按比例缩小。实验结果表明,我们的算法比Cascaded-Decoder-Encoder方法快约四倍,并且PSNR下降可忽略不计,比特率几乎没有增加。



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