首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Wildlife Management >Spatial Ecology of Bobcats and Gray Foxes in Urban and Rural Zones of a National Park

Spatial Ecology of Bobcats and Gray Foxes in Urban and Rural Zones of a National Park


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Urbanization threatens the persistence of many wildlife populations, particularly those of wide-ranging and low-density species such as mammalian carnivores. Effective conservation of carnivore populations requires an understanding of the impacts of adjacent urbanization on carnivores in reserves. I compared the spatial ecology of bobcats (Lynx rufus) and gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) between urban and rural zones of a national park in northern California, USA. In the urban zone, gray foxes used the entire landscape from interior natural areas across the park edges and into the neighboring developed areas, although fox core areas were always within the park. Bobcats never entered development, and radiocollared adult female bobcats maintained home ranges in the interior of the park, far from the urban edge. Bobcats appeared to avoid crossing paved roads, while foxes crossed roads regularly. For adult female bobcats, home ranges were smaller in the urban zone, and core areas were both smaller and overlapped more. Home range size and overlap did not differ between zones for gray foxes. Bobcats seem to be more affected by the proximity of urbanization than foxes, perhaps because of differences in diet and social structure. The more flexible use of the landscape by foxes may give them access to increased resources and habitat, but also may expose them to more human-associated risks. If female bobcats are more sensitive to urbanization, this sensitivity could affect the long-term viability of bobcat populations in urban areas. Knowledge of how bobcats and gray foxes use the landscape in urban areas will allow more effective conservation and improved coexistence with these widespread carnivores by helping to predict where and why conservation or management issues may occur.
机译:城市化威胁到许多野生动植物种群的持续存在,特别是哺乳动物食肉动物等大范围和低密度物种的种群。有效保护食肉动物种群需要了解邻近的城市化对保护区食肉动物的影响。我比较了山猫(Lynx rufus)和灰狐(Urocyon cinereoargenteus)在美国北加州国家公园的城乡之间的空间生态。在市区,灰狐使用了整个景观,从公园边缘到邻近发达区域的内部自然区域,尽管狐狸核心区域始终在公园内。山猫从未进入过开发阶段,有无线电领的成年雌山猫在公园内部维护了住宅范围,远离城市边缘。山猫似乎避免过铺砌的道路,而狐狸则经常过马路。对于成年雌性山猫,市区的房屋范围较小,核心区域较小,重叠较多。灰狐的区域之间的原始范围大小和重叠没有差异。山猫似乎比狐狸更受城市化的影响,这可能是由于饮食和社会结构的差异。狐狸更灵活地使用景观可以使它们获得更多的资源和栖息地,但也可能使它们面临更多与人类相关的风险。如果女性山猫对城市化更加敏感,那么这种敏感性可能会影响城市地区山猫种群的长期生存能力。了解山猫和灰狐如何在城市地区使用景观,将有助于预测可能在何处以及为什么发生保育或管理问题,从而可以更有效地进行养护,并与这些广泛的食肉动物更好地共存。



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