首页> 外文期刊>The Journal for Weavers, Spinners & Dyers >Mary Attard and the Musee Atelier du Tiserand et des Toiles, Quintin, Brittany, France

Mary Attard and the Musee Atelier du Tiserand et des Toiles, Quintin, Brittany, France

机译:玛丽·阿塔德(Mary Attard)和提赛尔·德·迪瓦勒博物馆(Musee du Tiserand et des Toiles),金塔,布列塔尼,法国

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Have you noticed how the list of countries with the addresses of Guild Secretaries in the back of The Journal has lengthened? The worldwide section has grown and when I looked up an address the other day I thought: there's a challenge, how about visiting all those places and making contact with those overseas Guilds? When I told a friend I was going on holiday to France she suggested that I visit a museum in Quintin close to where I would be staying. The contact address would be found in the back of The Journal. She added that there were some very interesting exhibits connected with linen in the museum and I would meet Mary Attard, who had set it up. Mary is listed in The Journal as the Secretary of the Brittany Central Guild. As I had been demonstrating weaving at the Pete du Lin at Le Bourg Dun, for a number of years, a few kilometres south of Dieppe, in Normandy, I thought it would be interesting to see the processing of the flax further south in the next Departement and to compare notes with Mary.
机译:您是否注意到《华尔街日报》后面带有公会秘书地址的国家/地区清单增加了?世界各地的部分已经发展壮大,而前几天我在查找一个地址时却想到:这是一个挑战,如何访问所有这些地方并与那些海外协会进行联系?当我告诉一个朋友我要去法国度假时,她建议我去昆廷附近的一家博物馆参观。联系人地址位于《日记》的背面。她补充说,博物馆里有一些与亚麻有关的非常有趣的展览品,我会见设置它的玛丽·阿塔德。玛丽在《日刊》中被列为布列塔尼中央工会的秘书。多年来,在诺曼底迪耶普(Dieppe)以南几公里处,我一直在Le Bourg Dun的皮特·杜林(Pete du Lin)织造织布秀上,我认为在下一个更南的地方看到亚麻的加工将很有趣。出发并与玛丽比较笔记。



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