
Hot Tips -A Simple Loom


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A couple of years ago, I spent a hot summer day looking through old Journals. I found Faith Clifford's article, The Cheapest Loom in the Western World on p.15 of Journal 178 (June 1996). Faith described a loom made by cutting a shape from corrugated cardboard and inserting knitting needles through the corrugations. The warp thread was then wound round the knitting needles. Faith illustrated a leaf-shaped loom. I wanted to be able to make a number of simple looms for a planned dyeing and weaving course. I took Faith's suggestion of using corrugated plastic and have put an old garden cloche to good use. I use small sticks sold for house-plants instead of knitting needles. I am able to put the warp on the loom quickly. The two sticks tied horizontally help to tension the warp and hold it away from the plastic.
机译:几年前,我度过了炎热的夏日,浏览着旧的日记本。我在Journal 178(1996年6月)第15页上找到了Faith Clifford的文章,“西方世界上最便宜的织机”。 Faith描述了一种织机,该织机是通过从瓦楞纸板切割出一定形状并将织针插入瓦楞纸制成的。然后将经线绕在织针上。信念说明了一个叶子形的织机。我希望能够为计划的染色和织造过程制造一些简单的织机。我接受了菲斯(Faith)的建议,即使用瓦楞塑料,并很好地利用了老式的花园钟形。我用出售用于室内植物的小木棍代替编织针。我可以将经纱迅速放在织机上。水平绑住的两个棍有助于拉紧经线并使之远离塑料。



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