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I read this short article with mixed feelings. I was relieved to see that vicunas are no longer killed for their fibre and I am happy to accept that this fibre is 'the most luxurious in the world'. However I was not impressed by the fact that a very wea Ithy individual ('anonymous', of course) can demand that animals should be stressed out of their wits so that the precious fibre can be harvested to make a $50,000 coat and then another 'in a different colour despite the price tag'! I suspect these coats were ordered in fact because of the price tag and as status symbols, given that this person must already own a sufficiency of suits and coats! We live in a divided world where the have-nots number billions and are getting poorer every day whilst a very small number of haves are becoming more and more shockingly endowed and display extraordinarily lavish, ostentatious and wasteful lifestyles. This article seems to imply that I will be jolly impressed by the idea of a such a precious and expensive coat. But I am not in the least, being rather sickened actually.



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