
Dyeing the Uruz Sail


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A major exhibition opened at the British Museum in March 2014 showing how the Viking age (800-1050 CE) instigated major changes across Europe. The Vikings built an international network connecting four continents; central to their achievements were shipbuilding skills and their prowess as seafarers. Many who visited the exhibition, or watched Vikings Live, will remember the ship Roskilde 6, excavated from Roskilde fjord in 1997. Timbers from the ship were displayed in a steel frame recreating the original shape of the hull. In the courtyard of the museum, however, was a much smaller and a complete vessel, decked with a linen sail in red and yellow stripes. The boat is owned by Traders Invaders and Raiders, a company that offers re-enactment and film services, and is involved in educational projects and well known for their collection of 'historic' ships. On 16 April 2014, Uruz sailed (well, actually it was towed) up the Thames, past the Houses of Parliament, on its way to the British Museum where it stayed until May 6.
机译:2014年3月,一个大展览在大英博物馆开幕,展示了维京时代(公元800-1050年)如何引发了整个欧洲的重大变化。维京人建立了连接四大洲的国际网络。他们成就的关键是造船技能和他们作为海员的能力。许多参观展览或观看《维京人实况》的人都会记得1997年从罗斯基勒峡湾出土的罗斯基勒6号船。船上的木材用钢架展示,重现了船体的原始形状。然而,在博物馆的院子里,是一个小得多且完整的船,上面挂着红色和黄色条纹的亚麻帆。该船归贸易商入侵者和入侵者公司所有,该公司提供重演和电影服务,并参与教育项目,并以其“历史”船的收藏而闻名。 2014年4月16日,乌鲁兹(Uruz)驶上(实际上是被拖走)泰晤士河,经过国会大厦,途中到达大英博物馆,直到5月6日为止。



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