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The Durham Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers: Celebrating 35 Years


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In 2014, the Durham Guild celebrated 35 years of active existence; two current members, Norma Butcher and Ann Evans, were founder members in 1979 and have continuously been on the membership list ever since. What follows is a composite of their memories. Ann and Norma met at a tapestry workshop at the Durham Light Infantry Museum; coincidentally, some 20 years later this would be the final venue for the AGWSD national exhibition Continuum. Both Norma and Ann were there on false pretences: Norma thought that she was there to improve her skill at needlepoint; Ann had been looking for somewhere she could learn spinning, and the ticket for the workshop was a present from a friend who thought that weaving was a good substitute. As a result of this meeting they joined a Workers Education Association (WEA) tapestry weaving course, together with Alex McCardle, who was also at the weekend workshop but knew why she was there!
机译:2014年,达勒姆公会庆祝成立35周年。目前的两个成员Norma Butcher和Ann Evans是1979年的创始成员,自那以后就一直在成员名单中。接下来是他们记忆的综合。安和诺玛在达勒姆轻步兵博物馆的挂毯工作坊见面。巧合的是,大约20年后,这将是AGWSD国家展览Continuum的最终场地。诺玛和安都在假装:诺玛认为她在那里是为了提高自己的技巧。安一直在寻找可以学习纺纱的地方,而工作坊的门票是一个朋友的礼物,他认为编织是一个很好的替代品。这次会议的结果是,他们和也在周末工作坊但知道为什么要参加的Alex McCardle一起参加了工人教育协会(WEA)的织锦编织课程。



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