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'Nuair bha mi og' (When I was young)

机译:“ Nuair bha mi og”(我小时候)

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When I was born in the early 1950s, London was beset by terrible smogs. I was diagnosed with asthma and so, when I was six months old, my parents uprooted themselves and went to live with my Scottish grandparents at the clachan (a small group of houses, hamlet, smaller than a village) in the Western Isles. My grandfather was a weaver crofter. It was a dying way of life even then. I can't remember how many sheep and cows we were allowed on the souming (number and type of stock an individual croft can graze on common grazings), but we always had milk. In the summer we had butter too. The winter butter was not fit to eat as the cows were fed turnips and swedes which imparted an unpleasant taste to the butter. It had another use. We used it to grease the washed fleece ready for carding. Other people in the clachan used to use the oil from the bottom of the salt herring barrel, or so my nanna said. Very few of the old people carried on with the old textile skills. Most of our fleeces went to the tweed mills to be mechanically spun and woven by the outworkers on their Hattersley looms. We always kept back two or three for my grandmother to process into yarn and knit into socks, jumpers, mittens and gloves. She would also spin for the occasional special tweed for my grandfather to weave, mostly weft only, but sometimes warp and weft.
机译:当我在1950年代初出生时,伦敦被可怕的烟雾笼罩。我被诊断出患有哮喘,所以当我六个月大时,我的父母让自己背井离乡,与我的苏格兰祖父母一起在西岛的clachan(一小群房子,小村庄,比一个村庄小)生活。我的祖父是一位编织工。即使那样,那也是一种垂死的生活方式。我不记得在放牧时允许放多少只绵羊和母牛(单个小农场可以在普通放牧后放牧的牲畜的数量和种类),但是我们总是喝牛奶。夏天,我们也吃黄油。冬季黄油不宜食用,因为给母牛喂了萝卜和sw鱼,给黄油带来了不愉快的味道。它还有另一个用途。我们用它给洗过的羊毛加脂,以便梳理。 clachan中的其他人过去常常使用盐鲱鱼桶底部的油,所以我的nanna说。很少有老年人继续使用旧的纺织技术。我们的大多数羊毛都由粗花呢纺纱厂的工人在哈特斯利织机上进行机械纺丝和编织而成。我们总是不让祖母呆两到三步,然后将其加工成纱线,然后编织成袜子,套头衫,手套和手套。她还会为我的祖父偶尔编织特殊的粗花呢,主要是纬编,但有时又是经编。



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