首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering >Tentative New Formula for Maximum Horizontal Wave Forces Acting on Perforated Caisson

Tentative New Formula for Maximum Horizontal Wave Forces Acting on Perforated Caisson


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This paper summarizes a part of the work carried out in the framework of the European research program MAST III-PROVERBS. It deals with the evaluation of pressure distribution and forces acting on the different faces of a perforated caisson breakwater. Various 2D model tests were performed at LeHavre and Caen Universities, and field measurements were made on the Dieppe breakwater. The aim of the study was to improve common knowledge and design of this type of dissipative monolithic breakwater. A new method for the calculation of maximum horizontal wave forces is proposed. The method is tested for more than 120 force estimates derived from various experimental sources, and it proves to be fairly good and reliable for engineering applications.
机译:本文总结了在欧洲研究计划MAST III-PROVERBS框架内进行的部分工作。它涉及评估带孔沉箱防波堤不同面上的压力分布和作用力。在勒阿弗尔大学和卡昂大学进行了各种2D模型测试,并在Dieppe防波堤上进行了现场测量。该研究的目的是提高这种耗散性整体防波堤的常识和设计。提出了一种计算最大水平波浪力的新方法。测试了该方法的120种来自各种实验来源的推力估算值,事实证明该方法对于工程应用而言是相当不错且可靠的。



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