首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water resource and protection >Kp Pan Evaporation and ETo Monthly Maps Using Information of 60 Weather Observatories Included in the Climate Normals (1941-1970) from Mexico

Kp Pan Evaporation and ETo Monthly Maps Using Information of 60 Weather Observatories Included in the Climate Normals (1941-1970) from Mexico

机译:使用来自墨西哥的气候常态(1941-1970)中包括的60个气象站的信息,对Kp Pan蒸发量和ETo月度地图进行了分析

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The most precise equation in order to estimate the evapotranspiration (ET) of crops is the Penman-Monteith (PM). However, the PM equation needs specific data that, in the majority of Mexico's irrigation districts, it is not available because there are few automated weather stations. For this reason, it is convenient to develop simple methods that allow to precise estimation of ET. A reliable way to estimate ET is by using the pan evaporation that, according to the revised literature, continues to be used nowadays. Investigators like to include its use in irrigation water management projects in various parts of the world. However, this method uses Kp from the FAO that is not calibrated in Mexico. The use of FAO Kp affects the precision of the results, since some variables like radiation, wind, temperature and relative humidity vary from place to place; therefore ET is under estimated or overestimated. This paper presents an original contribution across method to estimate "Kp pan evaporation and ETo monthly maps", using information from 60 weather observatories included in The Climate Normals (1941-1970) from Mexico, based on the PM method and the class A pan evaporation. Once the Kp values were obtained from each weather observatory, the Kringing method was used. This way, by interpolating data of the triad "latitude, longitude and Kp" and "latitude, longitude and ET", monthly normalized maps of Kp and ET were established for Mexico, except the upland areas (Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental), as well as other highland zones above 2700 meters over sea level, for the highest observatory is located in Toluca, State of Mexico (key 14-0039), at 2680 m over sea level.
机译:为了估算农作物的蒸散量(ET),最精确的公式是Penman-Monteith(PM)。但是,PM方程需要特定的数据,在墨西哥的大多数灌溉区中,由于自动气象站很少,因此无法使用。因此,开发允许精确估算ET的简单方法非常方便。一种可靠的估算ET的方法是使用锅蒸发,根据修订后的文献,如今仍在使用。研究人员喜欢将其用于世界各地的灌溉水管理项目中。但是,此方法使用的是粮农组织未在墨西哥校准的Kp。 FAO Kp的使用会影响结果的准确性,因为某些变量(例如辐射,风,温度和相对湿度)会随位置而变化。因此,ET被低估或高估。本文利用PM方法和A类蒸发皿蒸发量,利用墨西哥气候正常值(1941-1970)中60个气象站的信息,提出了估算“ Kp蒸发皿蒸发量和ETo月图”的各种方法的原始贡献。 。一旦从每个气象台获得了Kp值,便使用了Kringing方法。这样,通过对三元组“纬度,经度和Kp”以及“纬度,经度和ET”的数据进行插值,就建立了除高原地区(西马德雷山脉和东方马德雷山脉)以外的墨西哥的Kp和ET的月度归一化地图。以及海拔2700米以上的其他高地地区,最高的天文台位于墨西哥州托卢卡(编号14-0039),海拔2680 m。



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