首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water resource and protection >KELEA Activation of Water and Other Fluids for Health, Agriculture and Industry

KELEA Activation of Water and Other Fluids for Health, Agriculture and Industry


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Water is a critical component in the functioning of the earth and of all living creatures. An important insight into the variable physical and biological properties of water has been provided by studies consistent with an external force termed KELEA (kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction) that weakens the intermolecular bonding of water molecules. Simple methods are described in this paper for producing and testing KELEA activated water. A summary is also provided of many major applications of KELEA activated water in health, agriculture and industry. While several of the proposed applications require more rigorous scientific documentation and further optimization, collectively they present the compelling opportunity for KELEA activated water to immediately transform medical, agricultural and industrial practices. A coordinated endeavor is proposed to better understand the science of KELEA and to develop simplified protocols for utilizing KELEA activated water and other fluids in the presently described and likely numerous additional applications. This ambitious undertaking envisions the cooperation among a range of specialized philanthropic organizations, working within different countries and with the strong support of national governments.



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