首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water and health >Water treatment and handwashing practices in rural Kenyan health care facilities and households six years after the installation of portable water stations and hygiene training

Water treatment and handwashing practices in rural Kenyan health care facilities and households six years after the installation of portable water stations and hygiene training


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Many health care facilities (HCFs) and households in low-and-middle-income countries have inadequate access to water for hygiene and consumption. To address these problems, handwashing and drinking water stations were installed in 53 HCFs with prevention-of-mother-to-child-transmission of HIV programs in Kenya in 2005, and hygiene education was provided to health workers and clinic clients. To assess this program, we selected a random sample of 30 HCFs, observed the percentage of handwashing and drinking water stations that were functional and in use, and after that interviewed health providers and clients about hygiene and water treatment. Results indicated that, six years after implementation, 80.0% of HCFs had at least one functional handwashing station and 83.3% had at least one functional drinking water station. In addition, 60% of HCFs had soap at = one handwashing stations, and 23.3% had = one container with detectable free chlorine. Of 299 clients (mothers with = one child under five), 57.2% demonstrated proper water treatment knowledge, 93.3% reported ever using water treatment products, 16.4% had detectable chlorine residual in stored water, and 89.0% demonstrated proper handwashing technique. Six years after program implementation, although most HCFs had water stations and most clients could demonstrate proper handwashing technique, water stored in most clinics and homes was not treated.
机译:低收入和中等收入国家的许多医疗保健机构(HCF)和家庭都没有足够的水用于卫生和消费。为了解决这些问题,2005年在肯尼亚的53个卫生保健机构中安装了洗手和饮用水站,以预防母婴传播艾滋病毒计划,并向卫生工作者和诊所客户提供了卫生教育。为了评估该计划,我们从30个HCF中随机抽取了一个样本,观察了有功能且正在使用的洗手站和饮用水站的百分比,然后采访了卫生服务提供者和客户有关卫生和水处理的情况。结果表明,实施六年后,有80.0%的HCF具有至少一个功能性洗手站,而83.3%的HCF具有至少一个功能性洗手站。此外,60%的HCF在一个=的洗手站上有肥皂,而23.3%的HCF在一个=可以检测到的游离氯的容器中。在299位客户(母亲中有一个=> 5岁以下的孩子)中,有57.2%的人具有适当的水处理知识,有93.3%的人曾经使用过水处理产品,有16.4%的人发现水中有余氯,还有89.0%的人用了正确的洗手技术。计划实施六年后,尽管大多数HCF都有加水站,并且大多数客户可以展示适当的洗手技术,但大多数诊所和家庭中存储的水并未得到处理。



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