首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research2012V243-244NOCT,15 >Seismic tomography of compressional wave velocity and attenuation structure for Makushin Volcano, Alaska

Seismic tomography of compressional wave velocity and attenuation structure for Makushin Volcano, Alaska


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Located in the central portion of the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone, Makushin Volcano is among the most active volcanoes in the United States and has been classified as a very high threat by the National Volcano Early Warning System based on its eruptive history and proximity to the City of Unalaska and international air routes. In 2015, five standalone seismic stations and three mini seismic arrays of 15 stations each were deployed on Unalaska Island to supplement the Alaska Volcano Observatory permanent seismic network. This temporary array was operational for one year. Taking advantage of the increased azimuthal coverage and the array's increased earthquake detection capability, we developed body-wave Vp and VpNs seismic images of the velocity structure beneath the volcano. Our results show a complex structure with the upper 4 km of the crust. The shallow high-Vp features possibly delineate remnant magma pathways or conduits. Low-Vp regions are found east of the caldera at approximately 4-8 km depth. This is in agreement with previous seismic tomographic work and InSAR-based geodetic models, which had identified this region as a possible long-term source of magma. A three-dimensional compressional wave attenuation model complemented the velocity models. In general, we observe regions of corresponding low P-wave velocity and high attenuation east of the summit caldera between 5 and 7 km depth, supporting the presence of a melt-rich zone. The absolute Vp values (5.5-6.0 km/s) in this region are consistent with the presence of a magma body with a malic signature. We suggest that a triggering mechanism that involves mafic injections into a more evolved shallow magma chamber is representative of the current magmatic system below the volcano, similarly to what petrological studies have inferred for past eruptions. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:Makushin火山位于阿拉斯加-阿留申俯冲带的中部,是美国最活跃的火山之一,由于其爆发历史和与火山爆发的接近程度,被国家火山预警系统列为极高威胁。乌纳拉斯加市和国际航线。 2015年,在Unalaska岛上部署了五个独立地震台站和三个微型地震台阵,每个台站15个台站,以补充阿拉斯加火山观测台永久地震网。该临时阵列可运行一年。利用增加的方位角覆盖范围和阵列增加的地震探测能力,我们开发了火山下面速度结构的体波Vp和VpNs地震图像。我们的结果显示出地壳上部4 km的复杂结构。浅层高Vp特征可能描绘了剩余的岩浆通道或导管。低Vp区域位于火山口以东约4至8公里的深度。这与以前的地震层析成像工作和基于InSAR的大地测量模型是一致的,后者已经将该地区确定为岩浆的长期来源。三维压缩波衰减模型补充了速度模型。通常,我们观察到山顶火山口以东5至7公里深度之间相应的低P波速度和高衰减区域,这支持了富熔体带的存在。在该区域中的绝对Vp值(5.5-6.0 km / s)与具有苹果特征的岩浆体一致。我们认为,涉及向进一步演化的浅层岩浆室内注入铁镁质的触发机制可以代表火山下面的当前岩浆系统,这与岩石学研究推断过去的火山喷发相似。 (C)2020 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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