首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >A multi-methodological re-evaluation of the volcanic events during the 1580 CE and 1808 eruptions at Sao Jorge Island (Azores Archipelago, Portugal)

A multi-methodological re-evaluation of the volcanic events during the 1580 CE and 1808 eruptions at Sao Jorge Island (Azores Archipelago, Portugal)


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Among all eruptions that took place on the Azores Archipelago since the Portuguese settlement in the XVI century, those of 1580 and 1808 in the island of Sao Jorge were unusual. The magma erupted in 1580 ascended from at least 23 km and ponded at a minimum depth of 16 km. Here residual magma fractionated mafic phases and plagioclase during 228 years before erupted again in 1808. Magma emission occurred from numerous fissures active at the same time and opening for several kilometres, following a local tectonic trend. Hydro volcanic outbursts and hot rock fall over steep slopes caused casualties and injuries, and lava flows and heavy tephra fallout affected the local economy. Despite of all these dramatic consequences, the memory of these eruptions is almost vanished. Representative geosites and morphological landforms if not hindered by lush vegetation, have been reshaped by diffuse quarries and reworked to recover croplands and pastures. Aiming at a better comprehension of the multiple hazards associated with volcanic eruptions at Sao Jorge Island, we retraced the volcanic events of these two eruptions by matching our re-interpretation of historic reports with field data and photogrammetry, and with fluid inclusions, petrography and geochemical data of erupted products. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:自十六世纪葡萄牙定居以来在亚速尔群岛发生的所有喷发中,圣豪尔赫岛的1580年和1808年的喷发都是不寻常的。 1580年爆发的岩浆从至少23 km上升到最低16 km的深度。在这里,剩余的岩浆在228年间分馏出镁铁质相和斜长石,然后于1808年再次爆发。岩浆的发射是由多个活动的裂隙同时发生的,并随着局部构造趋势而张开了几公里。陡峭的山坡上的水力火山爆发和炽热的岩石坠落造成人员伤亡,熔岩流和沉重的提夫拉火山灰影响了当地经济。尽管有所有这些戏剧性的后果,但这些喷发的记忆几乎消失了。代表性的地理位置和形态地形,即使不受茂密的植被阻碍,也已通过散布的采石场进行了重塑,并进行了修复,以恢复耕地和牧场。为了更好地了解与圣乔治岛火山喷发有关的多种危害,我们通过将对历史报告的重新解释与现场数据和摄影测量以及流体包裹体,岩石学和地球化学相匹配,从而追溯了这两次喷发的火山事件。爆发产品的数据。 (C)2019 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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