首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Seismic characteristics of variable convection at Erta 'Ale lava lake, Ethiopia

Seismic characteristics of variable convection at Erta 'Ale lava lake, Ethiopia


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The active summit lava lake of Erta 'Ale volcano, Ethiopia, offers a unique opportunity to study magma convection. In February 2002, we collected a multiparametric set of seismic, thermal and video data. These data indicate that the lake cycled between periods characterized by low (0.01-0.08 m s~(-1)) and high (0.1-0.4 m s~(-1)) convection rates, typically lasting tens to hundreds of minutes. Three seismometers placed around the active crater recorded continuous tremor with a dominant frequency of 2 Hz, and energy at frequencies from 0.8 to 12 Hz. Here, we characterize the seismic signature of each regime by its spectral content, wavefield polarization, and tremor source location. For both regimes, the wavefield is mostly rectilinear. Azimuths and incidence angles are consistent with P waves originating in one of two locations: the north edge of the active lava lake, or a region 100-150 m ENE of the lava lake. Because both regimes are dominated by a low frequency, rectilinearly polarized wavefield, we investigate the source location using a method that solves for location and isotropic source power by a weighted least-squares amplitude-based inversion of seismic data. We find that tremor source regions are unique to each convective regime, although some location overlap exists when tremor is located in short time windows. Wavefield composition suggests that the convective phases may share a common source process, but their differing locations indicate that either the source region is non-stationary, or a second source skews the location during the high convective phase. Tremor polarization and location suggests that the low-frequency tremor is caused by bubble coalescence and bursting in a conduit whose surface is the lava lake. The higher frequency signal associated with the high convective regime is associated with a scattered, more complex wavefield superimposed on the low-frequency background tremor, caused by bubble bursting and cracking of cooled crust at the lava lake surface.
机译:埃塞俄比亚Erta'Ale火山活跃的顶峰熔岩湖为研究岩浆对流提供了独特的机会。在2002年2月,我们收集了一套多参数的地震,热力和视频数据。这些数据表明,湖泊在特征为低(0.01-0.08 m s〜(-1))和高(0.1-0.4 m s〜(-1))对流速率的周期之间循环,通常持续数十至数百分钟。放置在活动弹坑周围的三个地震仪记录了连续震颤,其主频为2 Hz,能量为0.8至12 Hz。在这里,我们通过其频谱内容,波场极化和震源位置来表征每种地震的地震特征。对于这两种情况,波场大多是直线的。方位角和入射角与源自两个位置之一的P波一致:活跃熔岩湖的北边缘,或熔岩湖ENE 100-150 m ENE区域。由于这两种方式都由低频,直线极化波场控制,因此我们使用一种通过基于加权最小二乘振幅的地震数据反演来求解位置和各向同性源功率的方法来研究源位置。我们发现,尽管当短时间窗口中的震颤存在某些位置重叠时,震荡源区域对于每个对流机制都是唯一的。波场组成表明,对流阶段可能共享一个共同的源过程,但它们的不同位置表明,在高对流阶段,源区域不是平稳的,或者第二个源使该位置偏斜。震颤的极化和位置表明,低频震颤是由气泡聚结并在表面为熔岩湖的导管中破裂引起的。与高对流形式相关的较高频率信号与叠加在低频背景震颤上的散射,更复杂的波场相关,这是由熔岩湖表面气泡破裂和冷却的地壳破裂所引起的。



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