首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Magma mixing during the 2001 event at Mount Etna (Italy): Effects on the eruptive dynamics

Magma mixing during the 2001 event at Mount Etna (Italy): Effects on the eruptive dynamics


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During the 2001 eruptive episode three different magmas were erupted on the southern flank of Mount Etna volcano from distinct vent systems. Major and minor element chemistry of rocks and minerals shows that mixing occurred, and that the mixed magma was erupted during the last eruptive phases. The space-time integrated analysis of the eruption, supported by geophysical data, together with major and trace element bulk chemistry (XRF, ICP-MS) and major and trace mineral chemistry (EPWA, LAM ICP-MS), support the following model: 1) trachybasaltic magma rises through a NNW-SSE trending structure, connected to the main open conduit system; 2) ascent of an amphibole-bearing trachybasaltic magma from a 6 km deep eccentric reservoir through newly open N-S trending fractures; 3) just a few days following the eruption onset the two tectonic systems intersect at the Laghetto area; 4) at the Laghetto vent a mixed magma is erupted. Mixing occurred between the amphibole-bearing trachybasaltic magma and an inferred deep more basic end-member. The most relevant aspect in the eruptive dynamics is that the eruption of the mixed magma at the Laghetto vent was highly explosive due to volatile content in the magma. The gas phase formed, mainly because of the decreased volatile solubility due to rapid fractures opening and increased T, related to mixing, and partially because of the amphibole breakdown.
机译:在2001年爆发期间,埃特纳火山火山南翼分别通过不同的喷发系统喷发了三种不同的岩浆。岩石和矿物的主要和次要元素化学表明,发生了混合,并且在最后的喷发阶段喷出了混合岩浆。由地球物理数据支持的喷发时空综合分析,以及主要和微量元素的大宗化学(XRF,ICP-MS)以及主要和微量矿物化学(EPWA,LAM ICP-MS),都支持以下模型: 1)海底玄武质岩浆通过NNW-SSE趋势结构上升,并与主开放导管系统相连; 2)从一个6公里深的偏心油藏中,通过一个新近出现的N-S趋势裂缝,上升了一个带闪石的气管玄武岩浆; 3)火山爆发后几天,两个构造系统在Laghetto地区相交; 4)在Laghetto出气孔喷出混合岩浆。含闪石的气管玄武岩浆与推断出的更深的更基本端构件之间发生了混合。喷发动力学中最相关的方面是,由于岩浆中的挥发性物质,在Laghetto喷口处的混合岩浆喷发极易爆炸。形成气相的原因主要是由于裂缝的快速打开和与混合有关的T的增加导致挥发性溶解度降低,部分是由于闪石的分解。



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