首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >The Eruptive History Of The Mascota Volcanic Field, Western Mexico: Age And Volume Constraints On The Origin Of Andesite Among A Diverse Suite Of Lamprophyric And calc-alkaline Lavas

The Eruptive History Of The Mascota Volcanic Field, Western Mexico: Age And Volume Constraints On The Origin Of Andesite Among A Diverse Suite Of Lamprophyric And calc-alkaline Lavas


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The Mascota volcanic field is located in the Jalisco Block of western Mexico, where the Rivera Plate subducts beneath the North American Plate. It spans an area of ~ 2000 km~2 and contains ~ 87 small cones and lava flows of minette, absarokite, basic hornblende lamprophyre, basaltic andesite, and andesite. There are no contemporary dacite or rhyolite lavas. New ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar ages are presented for 35 samples, which are combined with nine dates from the literature to document the eruptive history of this volcanic field. The oldest lavas (2.4 to 0.5 Ma) are found in the southern part of the field area, whereas the youngest lavas (predominantly <0.5 Ma) are found in the northern portion. On the basis of these ages, field mapping, and the use of ortho aerial photographs and digital elevation models, it is estimated that a combined volume of 6.8 ±3.1 km~3 erupted in the last 2.4 Myr, which leads to an average eruption rate of ~0.003 km~3/kyr, and an average volume per eruptive unit of <0.1 km~3. The dominant lava type is andesite (2.1 ±0.9 km3), followed by absarokite (1.6+0.8 km~3), basaltic andesite (1.2±0.5 km~3), basic hornblende lamprophyre (1.0+0.4 km~3), and minette (0.9±0.5 km~3). Thus, the medium-K andesite and basaltic andesite comprise approximately half (49%) of the erupted magma, with twice as much andesite as basaltic andesite, and they occur in close spatial and temporal association with the highly potassic, lamprophyric lavas. There is no time progression to the type of magma erupted. A wide variety of evidence indicate that the high-MgO (8-9 wt.% ) basaltic andesites (52-53% wt.% SiO_2) were formed by H_2O flux melting of the asthenopheric arc mantle wedge, whereas the mafic minettes and absarokites were formed by partial melting (induced by thermal erosion) of depleted lithospheric mantle containing phlogopite-bearing veins. There is only limited differentiation of the potassic magmas, with none more evolved than 55.4 wt.% SiO_2 and 4.4 wt.% MgO. This may be attributable to rapid crystallization of the mantle-derived melts in the deep crust, owing to their low volumes. Thus, the andesites (58-63 wt.% SiO_2) are notable for being both the most voluminous and the most evolved of all lava types in the Mascota volcanic field, which is not consistent with their extraction from extensively crystallized (60-70%), low-volume intrusions. Instead, the evidence supports the origin of the andesites by partial melting of amphibolitized, mafic lower crust, driven by the emplacement of the minettes, absarokites, and the high-Mg basaltic andesites.
机译:玛斯科塔火山场位于墨西哥西部的哈利斯科州区块,里维拉板块在北美板块下方俯冲。它跨越〜2000 km〜2的区域,包含〜87个小锥和熔岩流,包括小陨石,滑石,碱性角闪闪岩,玄武岩安山岩和安山岩。没有当代的菱镁矿或流纹岩熔岩。给出了35个样品的新〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar年龄,将其与文献中的9个日期相结合,以记录该火山场的爆发历史。在田间地区的南部发现最古老的熔岩(2.4至0.5 Ma),而在北部发现最年轻的熔岩(主要<0.5 Ma)。根据这些年龄,野外制图以及使用正射航拍照片和数字高程模型,估计最近的2.4 Myr爆发了6.8±3.1 km〜3的合并体积,导致平均喷发率〜0.003 km〜3 / kyr,每个喷发单元的平均容积<0.1 km〜3。优势熔岩类型为安山岩(2.1±0.9 km3),其次为辉绿岩(1.6 + 0.8 km〜3),玄武质安山岩(1.2±0.5 km〜3),基本角闪石萤石(1.0 + 0.4 km〜3)和碎屑(0.9±0.5 km〜3)。因此,中等钾安山岩和玄武质安山岩约占喷出岩浆的一半(49%),其安山岩的数量是玄武安山岩的两倍,并且它们在时空上与高钾质,火山岩熔岩密切相关。岩浆喷发没有时间进展。各种各样的证据表明,高软质镁铝石(8-9 wt。%)的玄武质安山岩(52-53%wt。%SiO_2)是由软流变质弧形地幔楔的H_2O助熔剂熔融形成的,而铁镁石尖晶石和钠长石通过贫化的含金云母脉的岩石圈地幔部分融化(由热侵蚀引起)形成。钾质岩浆只有有限的分化,没有比55.4 wt。%SiO_2和4.4 wt。%MgO演化的。这可能归因于地幔衍生的熔体由于其体积小而迅速结晶。因此,安山岩(58-63 wt。%SiO_2)在Mascota火山田中是所有熔岩类型中体积最大,演化最多的,这与它们从广泛结晶的岩浆中提取(60-70% ),少量入侵。取而代之的是,证据是通过两小片,镁铁矿和高镁玄武岩安放的推动,使两性铁化的镁铁质下壳部分融化,从而支持安山岩的起源。



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