首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >The eruptive history of Morne Jacob volcano (Martinique Island, French West Indies):Geochronology, geomorphology and geochemistry of the earliest volcanism in the recent Lesser Antilles arc

The eruptive history of Morne Jacob volcano (Martinique Island, French West Indies):Geochronology, geomorphology and geochemistry of the earliest volcanism in the recent Lesser Antilles arc

机译:Morne Jacob火山的爆发历史(法属西印度群岛马提尼克岛):最近的安的列斯群岛小弧上最早的火山的年代学,地貌学和地球化学

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Martinique is the Lesser Antilles Island where the most complete volcanic history of the arc can be found from the Oligocene to the present time. In this study, we focused on the construction of Morne Jacob shield volcano in Martinique, which is the largest volcano of the Lesser Antilles. We have dated twenty representative samples from the Morne Jacob, by K-Ar based on the Cassignol-Gillot technique, used geochemical data and obtained morphological constraints that have helped us to reconstruct better the volcanic history of this shield volcano. Our results and the lack of reliable ages on other Plio-Pleistocene islands show that the Morne Jacob is the oldest volcano of the aerial recent arc that has been dated so far. It has a longer history than previously inferred, with different stages ranging between 5.2 and 1.5 Ma. A large basaltic to andesitic shield volcano was first built between 5.2 and 4.0 Ma (J1) with tholeiitic lavas characterized by an increase of SiO_2 content through time. After 800 kyr of repose, calc-alkaline andesites erupted over the first shield from 3.2 to 2.2 Ma (J2a). The accumulation of lavas over a hyaloclastitic basement provoked spreading and northeast creeping of the northern flank of the volcano. The mass movement induced regressive erosion, particularly at the centre of the edifice. Then, between 2.1 and 1.5 Ma (J2b), calc-alkaline lavas, which show a decrease of the SiO_2 content through time, erupted at the central vent and from peripheral fissures, over the previous shield and down to the Caribbean coast. Eruptive volumes were reconstructed, permitting estimates of minimum output rates for the volcano's history. Minimum volume erupted during the first stage is 112 ± 20 km~3 and 33 ± 25 km~3 during the whole second stage, yielding rates of about 0.107 km~3/kyr and 0.019 km~3/kyr, respectively. Considering the entire history of Morne Jacob shield volcano, between 5.14 ± 0.07 and 1.54 ± 0.03 Ma, we obtain a total volume of 145 ± 32 km~3 above the sea level, and a time-averaged construction rate of 0.040 ± 0.008 km~3/kyr. With comparison between the reconstructed paleotopographies and the DEM of present topography, we have calculated an eroded volume of 18 km3 over the outcropping 210 km~2 that have occurred during the last 1.5 Myr. Finally, our set of twenty K-Ar ages, obtained on groundmass separates, allow us to revise the eruptive chronology of Morne Jacob volcano and to date the earliest subaerial volcanic activity so far identified for the recent Lesser Antilles arc.
机译:马提尼克岛是小安的列斯群岛,从渐新世到现在都可以找到最完整的弧形火山史。在这项研究中,我们重点研究了马提尼克岛的Morne Jacob盾构火山,这是小安的列斯群岛最大的火山。我们已经根据Cassignol-Gillot技术对K-Ar的Morne Jacob的20个代表性样品进行了约会,使用了地球化学数据并获得了形态学上的约束,这些条件有助于我们更好地重建该盾构火山的火山历史。我们的结果以及其他上新世更新世上岛屿缺乏可靠的年龄表明,Morne Jacob是迄今迄今最新的空中弧中最古老的火山。它的历史比以前推测的要长,不同阶段的变化范围在5.2和1.5 Ma之间。首先在5.2至4.0 Ma(J1)之间建造了一个大型的玄武岩至安第斯盾形火山,其中特征是SiO_2含量随时间增加而形成的熔岩熔岩。静置800年后,钙碱性安山岩从3.2Ma降到2.2Ma(J2a)。透明质岩化基底上熔岩的堆积引起了火山北翼的扩散和东北蠕动。群众运动引起了侵蚀侵蚀,特别是在建筑物的中心。然后,钙碱性熔岩在2.1Ma和1.5Ma(J2b)之间,随着时间的流逝,SiO_2含量降低,从先前的盾构到加勒比海沿中央喷口和周边裂隙喷出。重建了火山喷发量,可以估算出火山历史上的最低产出率。在整个第二阶段中,第一阶段的最小喷出量为112±20 km〜3和33±25 km〜3,产出率分别约为0.107 km〜3 / kyr和0.019 km〜3 / kyr。考虑到Morne Jacob盾构火山的整个历史,在5.14±0.07和1.54±0.03 Ma之间,我们得到的总体积为海平面以上145±32 km〜3,时均建设速度为0.040±0.008 km〜 3 / kyr。通过对比重建的古地形和当前地形的DEM,我们计算出在最近的1.5 Myr发生的210 km〜2露头的侵蚀量为18 km3。最后,我们通过地面质量分离获得的二十个K-Ar年龄组,使我们能够修改Morne Jacob火山的喷发年表,并且可以确定迄今为止为最近的安的列斯群岛弧所确定的最早的空中火山活动。



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