首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Terrestrial laser scanning observations of geomorphic changes and varying lava lake levels at Erebus volcano, Antarctica

Terrestrial laser scanning observations of geomorphic changes and varying lava lake levels at Erebus volcano, Antarctica


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A Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) instrument was used to image the topography of the Main Crater at Erebus volcano each December in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Our high-spatial resolution TLS scans provide unique insights into annual and decadal scale geomorphic evolution of the summit area when integrated with comparable data collected by an airborne instrument in 2001. We observe both a pattern of subsidence within the Inner Crater of the volcano and an similar to 3 m per-year drop in the lava lake level over the same time period that are suggestive of decreasing overpressure in an underlying magma reservoir. We also scanned the active phonolite lava lake hosted within the Inner Crater, and recorded rapid cyclic fluctuations in the level of the lake. These were sporadically interrupted by minor explosions by bursting gas bubbles at the lake surface. The TLS data permit calculation of lake level rise and fall speeds and associated rates of volumetric change within the lake. These new observations, when considered with prior determinations of rates of lake surface motion and gas output, are indicative of unsteady magma flow in the conduit and its associated variability in gas volume fraction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:分别在2008年,2009年和2010年12月,使用陆地激光扫描(TLS)仪器对Erebus火山主火山口的地形进行成像。我们的高空间分辨率TLS扫描可提供有关该火山年度和年代际地貌演化的独特见解。与2001年通过机载仪器收集的可比较数据进行整合后得出的峰顶面积。我们既观察到火山内火山口内的沉降模式,又观察到在同一时期内熔岩湖水平面每年下降3 m表明减少了岩浆下伏储层中的超压。我们还扫描了位于内火山口内的活泼火山岩熔岩湖,并记录了该湖水位的快速周期性波动。它们偶尔会因在湖面破裂的气泡引起的小爆炸而中断。 TLS数据可以计算湖泊水位的上升和下降速度以及湖泊内相关的体积变化率。在事先确定湖泊表面运动速率和天然气产量的基础上考虑这些新发现,表明了导管中的岩浆流量不稳定,并且与天然气体积分数的变化有关。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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