首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research2012V243-244NOCT,15 >Wendo Koshe Pumice: The latest Holocene silicic explosive eruption product of the Corbetti Volcanic System (Southern Ethiopia)

Wendo Koshe Pumice: The latest Holocene silicic explosive eruption product of the Corbetti Volcanic System (Southern Ethiopia)

机译:Wendo Koshe Pumice:Corbetti火山系统(埃塞俄比亚南部)最新的全新世硅爆发性喷发产物

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The Plinian eruption of the Wendo Koshe crater within the Corbetti Caldera occurred around 396 BC. The pumice lapilli deposit, with a thickness exceeding 10 cm, dispersed over an area of over 1000 km(2) around the towns of Hawasa and Shashemene. Most of the pumice was deposited by fall-out; however, minor local pyroclastic density currents also occurred. The calculated volume of preserved pumice fall deposit (approximately 1.2 km(3)), combined with the estimated volume of dispersed fine ash distributed further from the volcano, corresponds to an estimated volume of 0.4 km(3) (dense rock equivalent) of erupted magma. The age of the pumice eruption (396 +/- 38 BC) was determined by C-14 radiometric dating of a paleosoil that developed on previous pyroclastic deposits buried by the pumice. The majority of the post-caldera volcanic products are characterized by a relatively uniform chemical composition (TiO2 = 0.24-0.27 wt.%, Zr = 1300-1600 ppm, Sigma REE = 920-1150 ppm) without any significant development in composition. Despite the negligible variations in composition of the magmas that erupted during the last 2500 years within the Corbetti Volcanic System, a significant change in composition was documented prior to the 396 BC Wendo Koshe younger pumice eruption. The caldera stage ignimbrite of Corbetti (TiO2 = 0.34 wt.%, Zr = 500 ppm, Sigma REE = 370 ppm) and the early post-caldera obsidians are (TiO2 = 034 wt.%, Zr = 800 ppm, Sigma REE = 410 ppm) characterized by a commenditic composition, and the character of the rhyolitic magmas shifted towards pantellerites in the post-caldera stage. The compositional contrast is confirmed also by Sr isotope ratios. The Corbetti ignimbrite is characterized by being more radiogenic (Sr-87/Sr-86 = 0.70678) than the post-caldera obsidians (Sr-87/Sr-86 = 0.7046-0.7047). In contrast to the trace element concentrations, the early Chabi obsidian does not differ from younger obsidians in isotope composition. Similarly to other silicic volcanic systems of the Main Ethiopian Rift, the rhyolitic magmas of the recently active volcanoes within the Corbetti Volcanic System are most likely produced by extreme fractional crystallization of basaltic melts. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在科比蒂火山口内的温多科西火山口的普林尼亚喷发发生于公元前396年左右。厚度超过10厘米的浮石lapilli沉积物散布在Hawasa和Shashemene镇周围超过1000 km(2)的区域中。浮石的大部分是由于沉淀而沉积的。然而,局部局部火山碎屑密度电流也发生了。计算出的保留的浮石秋天沉积物的体积(约1.2 km(3)),再加上估计的从火山口进一步散布的细粉尘的体积,相当于喷出物的估计体积0.4 km(3)(致密岩石当量)岩浆。浮石喷发的年龄(396 +/- 38 BC)由对浮石掩埋的先前火山碎屑沉积物上发育的古土壤的C-14放射性测年确定。大多数破火山口后的火山产物的特征在于相对均匀的化学组成(TiO 2 = 0.24-0.27wt。%,Zr = 1300-1600ppm,Sigma REE = 920-1150ppm),而组成没有任何显着发展。尽管在Corbetti火山系统中近2500年爆发的岩浆成分变化可以忽略不计,但在公元前396年Wendo Koshe较年轻的浮石喷发之前,据记录,成分发生了显着变化。 Corbetti的火山口阶段火成岩(TiO2 = 0.34 wt。%,Zr = 500 ppm,Sigma REE = 370 ppm)和早期的破火山口黑曜石为(TiO2 = 034 wt。%,Zr = 800 ppm,Sigma REE = 410 (ppm),其特征是具有共生成分,流纹岩浆岩的特征在破火山口后阶段向pan石转变。组成对比也由Sr同位素比确定。 Corbetti着火物的特征是比破火山口后的黑曜石(Sr-87 / Sr-86 = 0.7046-0.7047)具有更高的放射原性(Sr-87 / Sr-86 = 0.70678)。与微量元素浓度相比,早期的Chabi黑曜石在同位素组成上与年轻的黑曜石没有区别。与埃塞俄比亚大裂谷的其他硅质火山岩系统相似,Corbetti火山岩系统中最近活跃的火山的流纹岩浆很可能是由玄武质熔体的极端分步结晶产生的。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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