首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research2012V243-244NOCT,15 >The initiation and development of a caldera-forming Plinian eruption (172 ka Lower Pumice 2 eruption, Santorini, Greece)

The initiation and development of a caldera-forming Plinian eruption (172 ka Lower Pumice 2 eruption, Santorini, Greece)

机译:破火山口形成的普利尼火山喷发的发生和发展(172 ka下浮石2喷发,希腊圣托里尼)

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The rhyodacitic 172 ka Lower Pumice 2 (LP2) eruption terminated the first magmatic cycle at Santorini (Greece), producing a proximal <50 m thick succession of pyroclastic fall deposits, diffusely -stratified to massive ignimbrites and multiple lithic breccias. The eruption commenced with the development of a short-lived precursory eruption column, depositing a <15 cm blanket of 1-2 cm sized pumice fragments at near vent localities (LP2A1). The precursor deposits are conformably overlain by a <30 m thick sequence of reversely-graded/ungraded pumice fall deposits that reflect opening and widening of a point -source vent, increasing mass discharge rates up to 10(8) kg s(-1), and the development of a 36 km high Plinian eruption column (LP2-A2, A3). The progressive increase in maximum vesicle number density (N-vF) in rhyodacitic pumice, from 3.2 x 10(9) cm(-3) in the basal fall unit of LP2-A2-1 to 9.2 x 10(9) cm(-3) in LP2-A3, translates to an increase in magma decompression rate from 18 to 29 MPa s(-1) over the course of the initial Plinian phase. This is interpreted to be a consequence of progressive vent widening and a deepening of the fragmentation surface. Such interpretations are supported by the increase in lithic clast abundance vertically through LP2-A, and the occurrence of basement -derived (deep) lithic components in LP2-A3. The increasing lithic clast content and the inability to effectively entrain air into the eruption column, due to vent widening, resulted in column collapse and the development of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs; LP2-B). A major vent excavation event or the opening of new vents, possibly associated with incipient caldera collapse, facilitated the ingress of water into the magmatic system, the development of widespread PDCs and the deposition of a <20m thick massive phreatomagmatic tuff (LP2-C). The eruption cumulated in catastrophic caldera collapse, the enlargement of a pre-existing flooded caldera and the discharge of lithic-rich PDCs, depositing proximal <9 m thick lithic lag breccias (LP2-D). (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. AM rights reserved.
机译:流纹岩的172 ka下浮石2(LP2)喷发终止了圣托里尼岛(希腊)的第一个岩浆旋回,产生了近50m厚的火成碎屑秋季沉积物序列,弥散分层为块状火成岩和多块碎屑角砾岩。喷发始于短时前驱性喷发柱的开发,并在接近通风口的地方(LP2A1)沉积了一个小于15 cm的1-2 cm大小的浮石碎片。前驱物沉积物被<30 m厚的逆梯度/未梯度浮石降落物序列一致地覆盖,这些沉积物反映了点源排气口的打开和加宽,增加了质量释放速率,最高可达10(8)kg s(-1) ,并开发了一个36公里高的普林尼埃喷发柱(LP2-A2,A3)。根状浮石中最大囊泡数密度(N-vF)逐渐增加,从LP2-A2-1的基底下降单位中的3.2 x 10(9)cm(-3)增加到9.2 x 10(9)cm(- 3)在LP2-A3中,在初始Plinian相过程中转化为岩浆减压速率从18 MPa s(-1)增加到29 MPa s(-1)。这被认为是排气孔逐渐扩大和碎片表面加深的结果。通过LP2-A垂直增加岩屑丰富度以及LP2-A3中基底衍生的(深层)岩屑组分的出现,为这种解释提供了支持。岩屑含量不断增加,并且由于排气口变宽,无法有效地将空气夹带到喷发柱中,导致柱塌陷并形成了火山碎屑密度流(PDC; LP2-B)。重大的通风孔开挖事件或新的通风孔的打开,可能与初期破火山口塌陷有关,促使水进入岩浆系统,形成了广泛的PDC,并沉积了厚度小于20m的块状岩浆凝灰岩(LP2-C)。 。火山喷发在灾难性的火山口塌陷,先前已淹没的火山口的扩大以及富含石块的PDC的排放中堆积,沉积了近9m厚的近片岩性角砾岩角砾岩(LP2-D)。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V. AM版权所有。



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