首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research2012V243-244NOCT,15 >Magmatic degassing, lava dome extrusion, and explosions from Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2011-2015: Insight into the continuous nature of volcanic activity over multi-year timescales

Magmatic degassing, lava dome extrusion, and explosions from Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2011-2015: Insight into the continuous nature of volcanic activity over multi-year timescales


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Mount Cleveland volcano (1730 m) is one of the most active volcanoes in the Aleutian arc, Alaska, but heightened activity is rarely accompanied by geophysical signals, which makes interpretation of the activity difficult. In this study, we combine volcanic gas emissions measured for the first time in August 2015 with longer-term measurements of thermal output and lava extrusion rates between 2011 and 2015 calculated from MODIS satellite data with the aim to develop a better understanding of the nature of volcanic activity at Mount Cleveland. Degassing measurements were made in the month following two explosive events (21 July and 7 August 2015) and during a period of new dome growth in the summit crater. SO2 emission rates ranged from 400 to 860 t d(-1) and CO2/SO2 ratios were <3, consistent with the presence of shallow magma in the conduit and the observed growth of a new lava dome. Thermal anomalies derived from MODIS data from 2011 to 2015 had an average repose time of only 4 days, pointing to the continuous nature of volcanic activity at this volcano. Rapid increases in the cumulative thermal output were often coincident with visual confirmation of dome growth or accumulations of tephra in the crater. The average rate of lava extrusion calculated for 9 periods of rapid increase in thermal output was 0.28 m(3) s(-1), and the total volume extruded from 2011 to 2015 was 1.9-5.8 Mm(3). The thermal output from the lava extrusion events only accounts for roughly half of the thermal budget, suggesting a continued presence of shallow magma in the upper conduit, likely driven by convection. Axisymmetric dome morphology and occasional drain back of lava into the conduit suggests low-viscosity magmas drive volcanism at Mount Cleveland. It follows also that only small overpressures can be maintained given the small domes and fluid magmas, which is consistent with the low explosivity of most of Mount Cleveland's eruptions. Changes between phases of dome growth and explosive activity are somewhat unpredictable and likely result from plugs that are related to the dome obtaining a critical dimension, or from small variations in the magma ascent rate that lead to crystallization -induced blockages in the upper conduit, thereby reducing the ability of magma to degas. We suggest the small magma volumes, slow ascent rates, and low magma viscosity lead to the overall lack of anomalous geophysical signals prior to eruptions, and that more continuous volcanic degassing measurements might lead to more successful eruption forecasting at this continuously-active open-vent volcano. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:克利夫兰山火山(1730 m)是阿拉斯加阿留申弧线中最活跃的火山之一,但活动加剧却很少伴随地球物理信号,这使活动解释变得困难。在这项研究中,我们将2015年8月首次测量的火山气体排放与根据MODIS卫星数据计算的2011年至2015年之间的热输出和熔岩挤出速率的长期测量结果相结合,目的是更好地了解火山岩的性质。克利夫兰山的火山活动。在两次爆炸事件发生后的一个月(2015年7月21日和8月7日)以及在山顶火山口的新穹顶增长期间进行了脱气测量。 SO2排放速率范围为400至860 t d(-1),CO2 / SO2之比<3,这与导管中存在浅岩浆以及观察到的新熔岩穹顶的生长一致。从2011年到2015年的MODIS数据得出的热异常平均休止时间只有4天,这表明该火山的火山活动具有连续性。累积热量输出的快速增加通常与穹顶生长或火山口中的特非拉堆积的目视确认相吻合。计算9个热输出快速增长时期的熔岩挤出平均速率为0.28 m(3)s(-1),2011年至2015年的挤出总量为1.9-5.8 Mm(3)。熔岩挤压事件的热量输出仅约占热量预算的一半,这表明上部导管中继续存在浅岩浆,可能是由于对流所致。轴对称的圆顶形态和熔岩偶尔回流到导管中的现象表明,低粘度岩浆推动了克利夫兰山的火山活动。随之而来的是,由于圆顶和流体岩浆较小,因此只能维持较小的超压,这与克利夫兰山大部分喷发的低爆炸性是一致的。穹顶生长和爆炸活动阶段之间的变化有些不可预测,可能是由于与穹顶相关的塞子达到了临界尺寸,或者是由于岩浆上升速率的微小变化导致了上导管中的结晶性堵塞所致。降低岩浆脱气的能力。我们建议岩浆量少,上升速度慢和岩浆粘度低会导致喷发前总体上没有异常的地球物理信号,而且在这种持续活动的露天开采中,更连续的火山脱气测量可能会导致更成功的喷发预测火山。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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