首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Transport History >On Wings of Diesel. Trucks, Identity and Culture in Pakistan

On Wings of Diesel. Trucks, Identity and Culture in Pakistan


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Jamal J. Elias provides a fascinating account of an understudied yet important and visible part of Pakistan's road transport industry with his book on truck decoration and the various factors shaping it. Trucking is indeed an important part of industrial and everyday social life throughout South Asia and vehicle decoration does appear in several places, but it is particularly pronounced and pervasive in Pakistan. Nearly every privately owned truck in the country is decorated in one way or another and the amount spent on them can reach several thousand dollars depending on the vehicle type. These investments are difficult to explain since they do not enhance the vehicle's capacity and function as an economic means of production. But Elias' account convincingly places the decorated truck in its specific setting defined by religious, political, social, and economic perspectives, and vividly describes how they mutually influence and interdepend on each other. The book evolved over a period of some fifteen years of occasional field research, especially in the environs of Karachi and Islamabad-Rawalpindi. During this time, Elias collected photographs (displayed throughout the book) and truck verses (which are compiled in a nine-page appendix) and conducted interviews with truck drivers, owners, professionals working on trucks and others involved in the transport industry; these make the basis of the book. It argues in particular that the concentration of earlier work on the formal significance of decorative motifs is misleading, and that the truck as a whole and, within it, both text and image need to be considered in conjunction. But the book also dwells on several other important features, such as the trucks' compartments and the kinds of artistic expressions found in them, and the existence of distinct regional styles of truck decoration.
机译:贾马尔·J·埃里亚斯(Jamal J. Elias)撰写了有关卡车装饰及其构成要素的书,对巴基斯坦道路运输行业的一个尚未深入研究但又重要而又可见的部分进行了有趣的描述。卡车运输确实是整个南亚工业和日常生活社会生活的重要组成部分,车辆装饰的确出现在多个地方,但在巴基斯坦尤为明显和普遍。该国几乎每辆私有卡车都以一种或另一种方式进行装饰,根据车辆类型的不同,在卡车上花费的金额可能达到几千美元。这些投资难以解释,因为它们不能提高车辆的生产能力并不能作为一种经济的生产手段。但是Elias的陈述令人信服地将装潢好的卡车置于宗教,政治,社会和经济角度所定义的特定环境中,并生动地描述了它们如何相互影响和相互依存。这本书是在大约十五年间偶尔进行实地研究的过程中发展起来的,特别是在卡拉奇和伊斯兰堡-拉瓦尔品第附近。在此期间,埃里亚斯收集了照片(整本书中都展示了这些内容)和卡车经文(整理成九页的附录),并对卡车司机,所有者,从事卡车工作的专业人员以及运输行业的其他人员进行了采访;这些构成了本书的基础。它特别指出,早期工作集中在装饰图案的形式意义上是令人误解的,并且需要将卡车作为一个整体,并在其中将文本和图像结合起来考虑。但是这本书还论述了其他几个重要特征,例如卡车的车厢和其中发现的艺术表现形式,以及卡车装饰的独特区域风格的存在。



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