首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Transport History >European Coasts of Bohemia. Negotiating the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal in a Troubled Twentieth Century

European Coasts of Bohemia. Negotiating the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal in a Troubled Twentieth Century


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Jiri Janac's book on the history of a major waterway project in Central Europe is a rare achievement. Efficiently combining history of technology with political history, the author succeeds in making remarkable contributions to both fields. Projects and associations striving for the integration of transport networks, including waterways, appeared in Central Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. The first plan to build a canal connecting the rivers Danube, Oder and Elbe (DOE) - and thus overcome the European watershed and link three seas - was officially formulated in the 1901 Austrian Imperial Waterway Act. The canal has not yet been built, and its construction does not seem likely in the foreseeable future, but the longevity of the project is striking. The original proposals were appropriated and reshaped by different regimes, such as the inter-war liberal-democratic Republic of Czechoslovakia, the Nazi authorities, the communist Czechoslovakia and the post-communist Czech Republic integrating to the European Union.
机译:吉里·贾纳克(Jiri Janac)撰写的有关中欧主要水路项目历史的书是一项难得的成就。有效地将技术史与政治史相结合,作者在这两个领域都做出了杰出的贡献。致力于整合包括水路在内的运输网络的项目和协会于19世纪下半叶出现在中欧。 1901年的《奥地利帝国水路法》正式制定了建设连接多瑙河,奥得河和易北河(DOE)的运河的第一个计划,从而克服了欧洲的分水岭,并将三大洋连接在一起。运河尚未建成,在可预见的将来似乎不太可能施工,但该项目的寿命很长。最初的提议是由不同政权所采用和修改的,例如战间自由民主共和国捷克斯洛伐克,纳粹当局,捷克斯洛伐克共产主义以及加入欧洲联盟的后共产主义捷克共和国。



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