首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transport Geography >Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels

Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels


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One of the concerns that has aroused much scholarly attention in transport geography lately is the extent to which public transport provision enables the less privileged population segments, especially those without privately owned motorized vehicles, to participate in activities that are deemed normal within the society they live in. This study contributes to this line of inquiry by proposing a methodology for identifying public transit gaps, a mismatch between the socially driven demand for transit and the supply provided by transit agencies. The methodology draws on the latest accomplishments in the field of modeling time-continuous, schedule-based public transport accessibility. Accessibility levels to key destinations are calculated at regular time intervals, and synoptic metrics of these levels over various peak and off-peak time windows are computed for weekdays and weekends. As a result a temporally reliable picture of accessibility by public transport is constructed. The obtained index of public transport provision is compared to a public transport needs index based on the spatial distribution of various socio-demographics, in order to highlight spatial mismatches between these two indices. The study area consists of Flanders, which is the northern, Dutch-speaking region of Belgium. The results indicate that mainly suburban areas are characterized by high public transport gaps. Due to the time-variability of public transport frequencies, these gaps differ over time. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:最近在交通地理学领域引起学术界广泛关注的问题之一是,公共交通提供在何种程度上使特权较低的人群(尤其是没有私人机动车的人群)参与他们所生活的社会中被视为正常的活动本研究通过提出一种方法来识别公共交通缺口,社会驱动的交通需求与过境机构提供的供给之间的不匹配,从而为这一研究领域做出了贡献。该方法借鉴了建模时间连续,基于时间表的公共交通可访问性方面的最新成就。以固定的时间间隔计算对关键目的地的可访问性级别,并针对工作日和周末计算各种级别的高峰和非高峰时间窗口内这些级别的天气状况度量。结果,构建了公共交通工具可及性的时间上可靠的图像。基于各种社会人口统计学的空间分布,将获得的公共交通供给指数与公共交通需求指数进行比较,以突出这两个指数之间的空间失配。研究区域包括佛兰德斯,这是比利时的北部荷兰语地区。结果表明,主要郊区地区的公共交通缺口很大。由于公共交通频率随时间变化,这些差距会随时间而变化。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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