首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transport Geography >Spatial and socio-economic analysis of public transport systems in large cities: A case study for Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Spatial and socio-economic analysis of public transport systems in large cities: A case study for Belo Horizonte, Brazil

机译:大城市公共交通系统的空间与社会经济分析 - 以巴西贝洛·哈米塔伊的案例研究

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The main goal of this article is to evaluate the relationship between the spatial distribution of the population of the city of Belo Horizonte, one of the largest cities in South America, and its public transport network, seeking to ascertain whether the current bus network is able to meet the needs of the population. The methodology was based on data processing and vector information from different sources through spatial analysis tools. As expected, the results revealed a greater concentration of routes and bus stops in the central region of Belo Horizonte, which is the main commercial center of the municipality and its metropolitan region. However, the results suggest evidences of a disadvantage for the population with lower income, especially those living on the periphery. A possible explanation for this disadvantage is the invisibility of these communities due to their high level of irregular occupation. Under the eyes of public transport planning, they are not recognized, and, theoretically, do not generate demand for lines and bus stops
机译:本文的主要目标是评估南美最大城市之一Belo Horizo​​ nte的空间分布的关系,以及其公共交通网络,寻求确定当前的总线网络是否能够满足人口的需求。该方法基于来自不同来源的数据处理和矢量信息通过空间分析工具。正如预期的那样,结果揭示了贝洛··奥里州地区的中部地区的更大集中度和巴士站,这是市政当局及其大都市地区的主要商业中心。然而,结果表明,收入较低的人口的缺点证明,特别是生活在周边的人口的缺点。由于其高水平的不规则职业,对这一缺点的可能解释是这些社区的隐形。在公共交通规划的眼中,他们没有得到认可,从理论上,不要产生对线条和巴士站的需求


  • 来源
    《Journal of Transport Geography》 |2021年第2期|102975.1-102975.11|共11页
  • 作者单位

    Univ Fed Minas Gerais Dept Sanit & Environm Engn Av Pres Antonio Carlos 6627 BR-31270901 Belo Horizonte MG Brazil|Univ Tecnol Fed Parana Av Dos Pioneiros 3131 BR-86036370 Londrina Parana Brazil;

    Univ Tecnol Fed Parana Av Dos Pioneiros 3131 BR-86036370 Londrina Parana Brazil|Lund Univ Affiliated Div Water Resources Engn John Ericsson Vag 1 Lund Sweden;

    Univ Fed Goias Mucuri St 920 BR-74968755 Aparecida De Goiania Brazil;

    Brazilian Assoc Sanit & Environm Engn Av Beira Mar 216 BR-20021060 Rio De Janeiro Brazil;

    Univ Estadual Londrina Dept Agron Celso Garcia Rd PR 445 Km 380 BR-86057970 Londrina Parana Brazil;

    Fed Univ Rio De Janeiro UFRJ Civil Engn Program Alberto Luiz Coimbra Inst Postgrad Studies & Res Horacio Macedo Ave 2020 Cidade Univ BR-21941914 Rio De Janeiro RJ Brazil;

    Univ Tecnol Fed Parana Av Dos Pioneiros 3131 BR-86036370 Londrina Parana Brazil;

    Univ Fed Minas Gerais Dept Sanit & Environm Engn Av Pres Antonio Carlos 6627 BR-31270901 Belo Horizonte MG Brazil|Univ Fed Espirito Santo Post Grad Program Environm Engn Av Fernando Ferrari 514 BR-29075910 Vitoria ES Brazil;

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  • 正文语种 eng
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  • 关键词

    Spatial analysis; Urban mobility; Transport accessibility; Public transportation;



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