首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer >Heat Transport Augmentation in Rayleigh-Benard Cells Containing Two Pure Gases Mixtures

Heat Transport Augmentation in Rayleigh-Benard Cells Containing Two Pure Gases Mixtures


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The trends observed in Figs. 1-3 may be condensed as follows: the heat transfer enhancement decreases as the exponent n increases, commencing with 103% for n = 1/4, passing through 56% for n = 1/3, and ending with 36% for n = 2/5. The optimal mass fractions w_(opt) in the binary gas mixtures are sensitive to the value of the exponent n also. In fact, w_(opt) increases constantly with n, starting from w = 0% for n = 1/4, passing through an intermediate value of w = 50% for n = 1/3, and culminating with a large value of w = 88% for n = 2/5. From a chemical standpoint, the molar masses of the pure components participating in the binary gas mixtures are 4 for He, 16 for CH_4, 28 for N_2, and 32 for O_2 (Ref. 3). From this it may be inferred that as the molar mass difference between the basic component He and the other components N_2, O_2, CO_2, and CH_4 increases, the relative heat transfer coefficient h_m/B tends to increase, too. In addition, the largest relative heat transfer coefficient h_(m,max)/B is shifted to the right part of the (h_m/B)-w diagram, moving toward the heavier component in the binary gas mixture, that is, N_2, O_2, CO_2, and CH_4.
机译:图中观察到的趋势。 1-3可以按如下方式冷凝:随着指数n的增加,传热增强降低,n = 1/4时为103%,n = 1/3时为56%,n = 1/3时为36%。 2/5。二元气体混合物中的最佳质量分数w_(opt)也对指数n的值敏感。实际上,w_(opt)随着n不断增加,从n = 1/4的w = 0%开始,经过n = 1/3的w = 50%的中间值,最后以w的大值结束当n = 2/5时= 88%。从化学角度来看,参与二元气体混合物的纯组分的摩尔质量分别为He的4,CH_4的16,N_2的28,O_2的32(参考文献3)。由此可以推断,随着基本成分He与其他成分N_2,O_2,CO_2和CH_4之间的摩尔质量差的增加,相对传热系数h_m / B也趋于增加。此外,最大相对传热系数h_(m,max)/ B移至(h_m / B)-w图的右侧,向二元混合气体中的重组分N_2移动, O_2,CO_2和CH_4。



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