首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Theological Studies >We Think what We Eat: Neo-Structuralist Analysis of Israelite Food Rules and Other Cultural and Textual Practices. By Seth D. Kunin. Pp. 264. (JSOT Supplement Series, 412.) London: T & T Clark International, 2004. isbn 0 567 08177 X. £70

We Think what We Eat: Neo-Structuralist Analysis of Israelite Food Rules and Other Cultural and Textual Practices. By Seth D. Kunin. Pp. 264. (JSOT Supplement Series, 412.) London: T & T Clark International, 2004. isbn 0 567 08177 X. £70

机译:我们认为我们所吃的东西:新结构主义者对以色列饮食规则和其他文化和文字习惯的分析。塞思·D·库宁(Seth D. Pp。 264.(JSOT补充丛书,第412页。)伦敦:T&T Clark International,2004年。isbn0 567 08177 X. £ 70

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