首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Theological Studies >The Open Book and the Sealed Book: Jeremiah 32 in its Hebrew and Greek Recensions. By Andrew G. Shead. Pp. 316. (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 347; The Hebrew Bible and its Versions, 3.) London: Sheffield Academic Press (a Continuum imprint), 2002. isbn 1 84127 274 4. £50; $95

The Open Book and the Sealed Book: Jeremiah 32 in its Hebrew and Greek Recensions. By Andrew G. Shead. Pp. 316. (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 347; The Hebrew Bible and its Versions, 3.) London: Sheffield Academic Press (a Continuum imprint), 2002. isbn 1 84127 274 4. £50; $95

机译:打开的书和密封的书:希伯来文和希腊文注释中的耶利米书32。作者:安德鲁·S·希德(Andrew G. Shead)。 Pp。 316.(《旧约研究丛刊》,第347页;《希伯来圣经及其版本》,第3版。)伦敦:谢菲尔德学术出版社(连续出版),2002年。isbn 1 84127 274 4. £ 50; $ 95

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