首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Theological Studies >Eusebius of Caesarea: Gospel Problems and Solutions. Quaestiones ad Stephanum et Marinum (CPG 3470). Edited by Roger Pearse. Translated by David J. D. Miller (Greek, Latin), Adam C. McCollum (Syriac, Arabic), Carol Downer (Coptic), and others.

Eusebius of Caesarea: Gospel Problems and Solutions. Quaestiones ad Stephanum et Marinum (CPG 3470). Edited by Roger Pearse. Translated by David J. D. Miller (Greek, Latin), Adam C. McCollum (Syriac, Arabic), Carol Downer (Coptic), and others.

机译:凯撒利亚Eusebius:福音问题与解决方案。斯蒂芬·马里纳姆(Stephanum et Marinum)案(CPG 3470)。罗杰·皮尔斯(Roger Pearse)编辑。由David J. D. Miller(希腊语,拉丁语),Adam C. McCollum(叙利亚语,阿拉伯语),Carol Downer(科普特语)等译成。

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