首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan >Invariant Kohn-Rossi cohomology and obstruction to embedding of compact real (2n-1)-dimensional CR manifolds in C~N

Invariant Kohn-Rossi cohomology and obstruction to embedding of compact real (2n-1)-dimensional CR manifolds in C~N


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Let X be a compact connected CR manifold of real dimension 2n - 1. One of the most important invariants in C R-geometry is the Kohn-Rossi cohomology H_(K R)~(p,q)(X) introduced by Kohn and Rossi in 1965 [Ko-Ro]. Throughout this paper , we shall assume that n ≧3 and X is strongly pseudoconvex. As a consequence of Kohn's solution to the partial deriv -Neumann problem, Kohn-Rossi showed that H_(K R)~(p,q)(X) is finite dimensional if 1 ≦ q ≦ n-2. In 1974, Boutet de Monvel [Bo] (see also Kohn [Ko_3]) proved that X is C R -embeddable in some C~N. There are two fundamental questions raised by the theorem of Boutet de Monvel.
机译:令X为实数为2n-1的紧凑连通CR流形。CR几何中最重要的不变式之一是Kohn和Rossi引入的Kohn-Rossi同调H_(KR)〜(p,q)(X) 1965年[Ko-Ro]。在整个本文中,我们将假设n≥3并且X是强伪凸。作为Kohn对偏微分-Neumann问题的解决方案的结果,Kohn-Rossi表明,如果1≤q≤n-2,则H_(K R)〜(p,q)(X)是有限维的。 1974年,Boutet de Monvel [Bo](另见Kohn [Ko_3])证明X是C R可嵌入在某些C〜N中的。 Boutet de Monvel定理提出了两个基本问题。



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