首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Chemical Society >Elucidating the Significance of β-Hydride Elimination and the Dynamic Role of Acid/Base Chemistry in a Palladium-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols

Elucidating the Significance of β-Hydride Elimination and the Dynamic Role of Acid/Base Chemistry in a Palladium-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols


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The mechanistic details of aerobic alcohol oxidation with catalytic Pd(IiPr)(OAc)_2(H_2O) (IiPr = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene) are disclosed. Under optimal conditions, β-hydride elimination is rate-limiting supported by kinetic studies including a high primary kinetic isotope effect (KIE) value of 5.5 ± 0.1 and a Hammett ρ value of -0.48 ± 0.04. On the basis of these studies, a late transition state is proposed for β-hydride elimination, which is further corroborated by theoretical calculations using density functional theory. Additive acetic acid modulates the rates of both the alcohol oxidation sequence and regeneration of the Pd catalyst. With no additive [HOAc], turnover-limiting reprotonation of intermediate palladium peroxo is kinetically competitive with β-hydride elimination, allowing for reversible oxygenation and decomposition of Pd(0). With additive [HOAc] (>2 mol %), reprotonation of the palladium peroxo is fast and β-hydride elimination is the single rate-controlling step. This proposal is supported by an apparent decomposition pathway modulated by [HOAc], a change in alcohol concentration dependence, a lack of [O_2] dependence at high [HOAc], and significant changes in the KIE values at different HOAc concentrations.
机译:公开了用催化的Pd(IiPr)(OAc)_2(H_2O)(IiPr = 1,3-双(2,6-二异丙基苯基)咪唑-2-亚烷基)氧化好氧醇的机理。在最佳条件下,动力学研究支持β氢化物的消除速率限制,其中包括5.5±0.1的高一次动力学同位素效应(KIE)值和-0.48±0.04的哈米特ρ值。在这些研究的基础上,提出了消除β-氢化物的晚期转变态,这通过使用密度泛函理论的理论计算得到了进一步证实。添加剂乙酸调节醇氧化顺序和Pd催化剂再生的速率。没有添加剂[HOAc],中间过氧化钯的周转限制质子化与消除β-氢化物具有动力学竞争性,从而可逆氧化和Pd(0)分解。使用添加剂[HOAc](> 2 mol%),过氧化钯的质子化很快,而消除β-氢化物是唯一的速率控制步骤。该提议受到[HOAc]调节的表观分解途径,酒精浓度依赖性变化,[HOAc]高时缺乏[O_2]依赖性以及不同HOAc浓度下KIE值发生显着变化的支持。



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